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Casey stood in the door way, he looked at Donnie worryingly,
"Y- uhm. You okay?..."

Donnie sighed and turned his head to Casey.
"I'm fine Jones. What do you want?" He raised an eyebrow as Casey crossed his arms and leaned on the doorframe.
"What? Can a guy not ask his best friend if he's alright?" His tone was playful, as always. Donnie simply huffed and pulled out his T-Phone to decode a Kraang device.

Casey simply stood and watched.
"I like watching you work sometimes, Dee. It's uh.. nice." He cleared his throat as Donnie just ignored him; Donnie ignored almost everyone so Casey didn't mind, he knew Donnie was still technically listening to him.
"...C'mon Don, are you okay? Seriously." Casey walked over to Donnie and placed a hand on his shoulder, Donnie sighed and looked at him.
"I'm fine. Really, besides i've had way worse done to me then what that Kraang bot did." Donnie smiled ever so slightly, moving his hand onto Casey's, this surprised Casey however he tried to pay no attention to it.
"Thanks for caring though, Cas."


'Cas'?! He's never called me that before. I think to myself, i can't keep my eyes off his hand being on mine on his shoulder. Donnie's so weird, i just wanted to check on him and he goes and calls me 'Cas' I mean i'm not complaining i actually like it but... From Donnie? It's unexpected, he usually call's me name's like 'Cave-Mouth' or 'Dirt bag' or even sometimes 'Retard' Obviously i was surprised but i ignored it. For now.

"Yeah well it just proves how much of a good friend i'm becoming! And how much you just looovveee meee~" I giggle and move my hand away from Donnie as he looks as me, unamused, as always. Just then Raphael walks in and looks at me,
"Oi Stinker, Leo's done hogging the TV wanna play some Call of Duty?" COD was raph's favourite game and honestly it was mine too!
"Fuck yeah!! Let's- OW!.." I get rudely interrupted by Donnie whacking me on the head with his bō staff.
"Stop swearing! Mikey can hear you." As if michelangelo doesn't swear like a sailor already.

Me and Raph head off into the living room of the lair while Donnie continues being a nerd.


Trying to focus with Casey and Raph yelling the place down was a nightmare.

I mumble to myself angrily trying to tune out the two annoying assholes in the living room, until I feel two small arms wrap around me from behind.
"Hey Donnie!" It was April! I turn and smile widely at her,
"April! Heyy.. H-how are ya? heh" God I'm such a mess around her...
"I'm fine! ... But you seem stressed, is everything alright?" April looked up at me with a frown.
"Who, me? Stressed? Oh please April I'm perfectly fine!" I give her a reassuring smile.


Donnie yawns as he analyses April's crystal, he wanted to know as much about It's power as he possibly could. He flinches at the sound of the sliding door opening, It's Casey; He looks tired. However it's late and everyone else has gone to bed.
"Sup, Dee.." He walks over to me and slumps into Donnie's lab-chair, Donnie stands there, crossing his arms and simply just looking at Casey,
"Why aren't you in bed?" Donnie raises an eyebrow as Casey shrugs.
"Couldn't sleep"
"Well you should at least try, not sleeping is really unhealthy and-" Donnie is cut off,
"Aww, you care about meee~" Casey snickers as Donnie rolls his eyes and looks away.
"Oh shut up, Jones." He shoves his hand in Casey's face as Casey laughs.

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