please, don't leave me alone.

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—Meet-up AU—
George hosts a party (in London) but Dream forgets to book a hotel room.

(I've had this idea for almost a year...)

"Dream!" George yelled, slapping his hand away from the plate of freshly cooked food.

Dream and George were throwing a party for Sapnap as he got into his dream college, Texas a&m university. They were very proud of their friend, Dream showing it more than George - he insisted they have a party to celebrate. While it wasn't convenient, they all went to London. George refused to leave England as he had never before, and because of George's stubbornness, everyone flew to George.
They really wanted George to be there, "they" being mostly Dream.

Not many people were there, just how Sapnap wanted it to be. Just a few friends.

George cooked for the bunch, Dream watching as he did so. George found this a bit odd, it was a way he'd never seen his best friend look at him before. George shrugged it off through, it was only their second time being in-person.

Skeppy and Bad were sitting next to each other on the couch, talking about Birds apparently...?

Meanwhile, Karl was very excited to see Sapnap in person for the person time, so much so that he was practically frozen in place. In case it wasn't obvious enough, Karl had a little crush on Sapnap. Don't tell anyone though, that will be our secret.

- A few hours later -

The group hung out, playing games and talking, for a few hours before going to their respective hotels. George's house was too small for everyone so they all agreed to sleep in hotel rooms near-by.

It was now only Dream and George left. Dream was about to leave before he remembered... shoot!

"G-George?" Dream asked, nervously scratching the back of his tan neck.

"Yes?" George replied, slightly irritated as he was tired and wanted his bed.

"There would be a slight problem with me leaving..." dream looked down shyly, fidgeting with his fingers.

George sighed. "Oh, don't tell me you forgot to boo-"

"I forgot to book a hotel!" Dream blurted out, cutting George off.

"DREAM, YOU IDIOT!" George screamed out.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was caught in the moment and forgot..." He looked down shamefully. "Can I just stay with you?" He asked George shyly.

"Fine. But, you're sleeping on the couch." George wasn't mad with Dream, not at all. He was a little annoyed, but he couldn't help his heart skipping a beat when he realized it would be just him and Dream.

:] <•>TIME SKIP<•> [:

It was now 2 AM, and George was fast asleep. Then, he felt his body shake a little bit, he brushed it off as just being cold and it was a shiver. A few seconds later, he felt himself shake again, this time waking him up.

"George!" A voice whispered, he recognized it as Dream's. George's eyes fluttered open to see Dream holding a pillow which his arms were wrapped around.

"Hmm, what is it, Dream?" George asked, slightly annoyed as he was having a good dream.

"I had a nightmare..." Dream squeaked out meekly, his voice shaking.


"Can I sleep with you?" Dream asked, ready for George to yell at him to get out. George just sat there in shock.

"I- wait, why? You're 23 years old and you can't handle a nightmare?" George replied.

"can I please just sleep with you?" Dream pleaded, a tear rolling down his face.

"I- okay, fine, climb in." George scooted over, making room for the taller. Dream nuzzled in quickly, his body shaking.

"Dream, are you okay?" George asked worriedly. George wasn't the best with emotions, but Dream sure made him feel a lot of them.

"...just a bad n-nightmare, l-like I s-said." Dream replied quietly.

"Dream, you're crying. What was it about?" He asked softly. Dream said nothing for a moment before answering:

"I lost you."

George looked him in the eyes, shocked at the words that left the others mouth.

"I lost you. I could hear your screams! I felt your heart stop beating- I couldn't do... anything. I was stuck. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there. Then, I woke up." Dream explained shakily.

"Dream-" the name slipped from George's mouth softly.

"Don't leave me, George, please! You can't leave me. Promise me! Promise me you won't leave me, please..." Dream began to weld up with tears once more. He clenched the pillow.

"Dream-" George cooed, Dream looking up at him, "I promise, I won't leave you." George whispered reassuringly as he held onto Dream.

"I won't leave you, George." Dream promised, pulling George closer and looking into his eyes and then his lips.

Dream kissed him.

George was taken back for a split second before kissing him back. They pulled each other closer, both of them waiting for this moment for so long.

As they broke apart, they both smiled shyly. "I uh- I guess we both feel the same way then, huh?"

Dream smiled, "yeah..."

They both giggled at that.

"God, kiss me again," George begged. It was a bit more rough than the first one but still said a lot. I love you.

As their lips parted, George leaned towards Dream's ear. "I think I love you...." Dream smiled at that. The smile that George fell in love with.

"I love you, George." Dream chuckled, rubbing George's cheek with his thumb sweetly. George melted into the touch.

At that moment,
Both of them new
They were never going to be alone.

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< 942 words >

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