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At five years old, Katsuki and Izuku watched another villain fight on the TV. Though for different reasons, Katsuki watched in awe as the heroes fought greatly. Izuku watched as the villains struggled.

"Come on!" Izuku growled, as yet again a newbie hero beat a seasoned criminal. "That villain was so weak! I could easily beat that newbie!"

Katsuki didn't understand why Izuku thought the way he did. Why did he always think a villain could beat a hero? Katsuki smirked-

"Come on, Deku!" The blonde boy said. "Heroes always win!"

"No they don't!" Izuku argued. Izuku maybe quirkless, but he's proven he can hold his own against Katsuki's quirk. the two went back and forth with their debate they'd had a dozen times. The other three kids just sighed, as they were once again were forced to listen to the two argue over who was better. Heroes or Villains...

Years laters... during middle school...

Katsuki and Izuku were finally fourteen. They would finally bloom into their secondary genders. Izuku wasn't shocked to hear Katsuki was an alpha. What he WAS shocked about was that he was an OMEGA!? Izuku bared his small fangs at the doctor who dared to say he was an omega.


"I mean what I said, Midoriya," The doctor said. "You will start experiencing heats soon, once every three months."

"Can't I get some damn suppressants?!" Izuku growled.

"Suppressants are for alphas, Midoriya," The beta doctor replied. "Besides, taking suppressants could damage your fertility! It would be a shame if you could never have pups!"


The doctor laughed- "Sure you will. I'm sure once you find an nice alpha you'll drop this dark sense of humor."

"Fuck you!" Izuku said, as he stormed out of the doctor's office. Inko gave an apologetic bow to the doctor. Inko always thought her son would grow out of this villain fanboy stuff, as he grew up. That had yet to happen.

Izuku sat in his desk, which was rarity. He hadn't been to school in a week, so most of the students were scared of what their class's resident self proclaimed number one villain did now. Izuku had started wearing scent patches religiously.

Katsuki knew something was bothering his friend and rival. He also could tell it wasn't the 'jackass thought I was weak because I'm quirkless' type bothering, it was the 'I'm one word away from literal murder' type of bothering.

After class, Katsuki meet Izuku after school-

"Hey, Zuku!" Katsuki called out. Izuku turned to face his future number one enemy.

"Hey Kacchan," Izuku growled out. Izuku was getting on his bike about to head home. "Look I'm not in the mood for a sparring match."

"That's not why I'm here," Katsuki deadpanned. "Something's bothering you. And don't even say it's nothing. You showed up to class, about ready to murder the next kid who talked to you. You only ever show up to class, in that bad of a mood, when something happened that made you ready to murder someone."

Izuku sighed- "Let's talk... elsewhere..." Katsuki nodded, and the two middle schoolers rode their bikes to Izuku's house. Inko smiled when she went to greet her son and saw Katsuki. It wasn't uncommon for Izuku to invite Katsuki over, but Inko was happy to see him nonetheless.

"Hello Katsuki! How's your mother?"

"Nice to see you again, Auntie," Katsuki smiled. "And the old hag is fine."

In Izuku's room, the two sat on the villain fanboy's bed. Katsuki took a glance around his future number one enemy's room. It was fairly plain overall. Izuku never liked over decorating.

On one of his walls, there was a board with- what Katsuki assumed were- plans for the future and possible villain allies. Katsuki recognized a few villain aliases littered across the board. But most he never even heard of- 'Whatever. Zuku has been into this villainous nonsense more than me.'

Izuku cleared his throat. The villain fanboy's voice uncharacteristically meek- "Promise not to think, I'm just another weak bitch?"

"What the fuck are you on about now?!" Katsuki growled. "For all I know, you've already killed someone who ticked you the fuck off! Why the hell would I think you're weak!? because you're quirkless!? Ha! That never matter-"

"No," Izuku spoke lowly. Typically, Izuku saved his 'killer tone' for those who ticked him off. Katsuki started to sweat a little.

'So this is what it's like to be on the wrong end of Zuku's glare...'

"It's... this..." Izuku took off his scent patches and Katsuki was hit with the scent of an omega. Izuku's scent was like tree sap and pine. Katsuki would never admit it, but it was kinda hot. Katsuki shook his head-

'He's supposed to be your future enemy!' Katsuki reminded himself. They were supposed to try and kill each other in the future, after all there was only room for ONE number on- "Wait a second... YOU'RE A FUCKING OMEGA!?"

Now that was the LAST thing Katsuki ever expected. He took note how Izuku's glare sharpened- "Ya, obviously!?" The greenette stood and started pacing around. "HOW THE FUCK AM I GONNA BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY BY CRIMINALS AND BE THEIR LEADER IF I'M A FUCKING OMEGA!?"

"OI!" Katsuki grabbed Izuku arm. "You asked the same thing, when you were diagnosed as quirkless ten fucking years ago. What did you do then?"

"Beat those motherfucking into submission?" Izuku growled, as he rubbed a hand down his face. "But that was before those bastards could lure me into submission with their fucking repulsing scent!"

"Since when have you ever fucking submitted to anything, Zuku?"

"It's basic biology, kacchan!" Izuku growled, with an annoyed tone.

"What if I help you train to handle those fuckers?"

"... What ?..." Izuku turned to look at his hero friend with an 'are you fucking serious' face.

"Ya," Katsuki stood up, cockily. "The doctors told me, I'm a strong alpha even by adult standards. Even you can withstand me, you can make sure any fucking idiot who tries to stand up or subdue you will wish they were never fucking born!"

"Why are you... being so... nice?" Izuku asked, suspiciously.

"Well, we already made our deal, right?" Katsuki gave Izuku a knowing look. Then, Izuku smirked, as he remembered a promise they made in elementary school, and reached out his hand-

"Well, you're not wrong," Izuku shrugged, as Katsuki took his hand in a firm handshake. "Can't wait to see which number one stands on top." Katsuki smirked-

"Then, let's get this show fucking started!"

Weakness? Nah, Just My Gender!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin