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(A/N: TW: Attempted sexual assault and mentioned rape...)

It took a while before Izuku was ok with not wearing his scent patches. Unfortunately, the first day he decided to not wear them, some alphas got some... ideas... about messing with him. Well, unfortunate for them... Not Izuku.

"So, the big bad villain fanboy is an omega? HA! So much for being strong!" Said the lead alpha. Izuku rolled his eyes, these idiots had cornered him in the bathroom in between classes. Izuku knew what they were planning, but they wouldn't get the chance.

"Yeah what 'King of Villains' is a weak ass child bearer!?" Said one of the two cronies. Izuku stood tall, and even postured in challenge to these bastards. The other cronies laughed at Izuku's 'audacity' to stand up to an alpha.

"You bastards have about three seconds to step out of my way," Izuku growled lowly. The lead alpha laughed-

"Or what?" He sat in a baby voice. "You'll calm us with those sweet omega pheromones?"

"One..." Izuku started.

"Ha! You think COUNTING is gonna scare us?"

"Two..." Ok, MAYBE Izuku was acting like an omega mother scolding her pup, but he didn't care. The lead alpha tried reaching for Izuku, to try and touch him. "Three." Right as the alpha was in touching distance, Izuku grabbed Izuku arm and slammed him onto the hard tile floor of the bathroom.

While doing this, Izuku pulled out a knife he always had hidden in his sleeve, and sliced a long line down the Alpha's arm. From his elbow to his wrist, the alpha had a cut that started to bleed heavily. The alpha let out a cried of pain.

The other too stood stock still with fear. Izuku walked towards them, as he spoke in his 'Killer Tone'-

"So? You wanna fight, fuckers?" Izuku question, giving the other two alphas a death glare. "Or you wanna leave while I kill this idiot?" Izuku pointed back at the lead alpha, who was clutching his bleeding arm in pain. The other alphas took off running down the hallway. "Good choice... Now for you..."

The lead alpha flinched under Izuku's gaze. Izuku smirked evilly, as he bruly cut the alpha into pieces. Izuku quickly washed the blood off of him in the bathroom sink and changed into his gym clothes hiding his bloody clothes in his backpack.

Izuku left. By the time a teacher arrived at the scene, Izuku was already in gym class. Izuku was called to the principal's office. Izuku growled, gym class was the ONE class he actually enjoyed. Despite being an omega, Izuku was still the school trouble maker. So, pretty much everyone got out of his way, as he walked down the hallway.

When Izuku arrived, he saw the two alphas he let go, the principal, the school therapist, a policeman, a man in a tan coat and his mother. The man in the tan coat spoke first-

"Hello, Midoriya," The man smiled. "I'm Detective Tsukauchi. I was told you killed someone today, is that true?" Izuku internally smirked, as he went over the info he had on this man. Preparing to lead the criminal underworld, means he had to avoid being caught-

Detective Tsukauchi:
Full Name: Naomasa Tsukauchi
Quirk: Lie Detector. Allows him to tell whether or not someone is lying.
Job: Lead Detective of the Mustafar Police Department.
Strengths: Good at hand-to-hand combat. Skilled with a taser, gun, and the best detective on the force.
Weaknesses: Prefers to talk things out rather than act. His quirk only detects what people believe is true, which allows for easy half-truths.

"Sir, do you really believe an OMEGA could kill someone unprovoked?" Izuku asked, innocently.

"It would be hard to believe, but I'm just asking because these two young boys tell me you killed an alpha student that we found in a bathroom near your last period class."

"Oh they did?" Izuku glanced at the two alphas, who flinched at his smile. "Did they tell you they tried to rape me?"

"What?" The detective turned to the two boys. "Is this true?!"

"What!? No! He killed Aki-san!?" The detective sighed as he turned to Izuku-

"Did you kill him in self defense?" He asked the greenette.

"Yes. They cornered me in the bathroom and I tried to tell them to leave me alone. The lead alpha tried to grab me, and they were in on this attempted sexual assault and rape attempt."

"I see, so you only killed the one who tried to rape you and by law that counts on self-defense."

"I believe that is correct."

"And you're quirkles correct?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Technically by law, if you used your quirk to kill him it would have been vigilante justice, but since you don't have a quirk to use you can't be charged with that. And you two-" The detective turned to the two alphas- "I'm placing you under arrest for attempted assault on a minor and false police report."

"WHAT!?" The two alphas shouted. Izuku stiffened, as his mother ran over to him-

"My baby! Why didn't you call me, I could have reported this sooner!?" Inko was crying, her baby, even though he wants to be a villain, was almost RAPED?! Her poor baby!

"We're not allowed to have our phones out at school, mom? I already have a bad reputation as the school 'troublemaker'. Most omegas wouldn't want to get accused of lying. Speaking of which-" Izuku turned towards the beta detective, who was cuffing the two alphas, and bowed- "Thank you for believing me detective, I thank you for your help!"

"Of course, protecting innocent people is my job!" Izuku smiled, as he stood up, and kept his eyes on the beta man. The detective managed to hold back a shutter- 'There's something off about that kid...'

After the police left, Inko took Izuku home for the day. Izuku laid on his bed, and looked at his idea board. Izuku sighed, as paced around his room-

"That detective will be a problem in the future," Izuku's phone made a 'ding' noise. Izuku picked it up and saw it was one of his gang members, Himiko Toga. In Izuku's district there were many gangs, Izuku started his own not to long ago-

BloodIsCute: 'Hey Izu-kun!'

BloodIsCute: 'I heard about what happened at school today! Are you ok? You're not pregnant! Right?'

Izuku rolled his eyes, but responded-

KingOfVillains: 'No, I'm not Himiko. And I'm fine. I killed the idiot who thought attempting to rape, the next king of villains, was a good idea!'

BloodIsCute: 'You're so cool, Izu-kun!'

KingOfVillains: 'I know!'

KingOfVillains: 'Hey, uh- Himiko. I have a problem.'

KingOfVillains: 'There's the detective. He'll be a thorn in my side soon, I need him gone. But I can't have it traced back to me. I'll send you his information. Either take him out, or get Dabi to do it.'

BloodIsCute: "Ok, Izu-kun! Anything for you!"

Izuku hung up with an eye roll. Himiko was a blood thirsty bitch about Izuku's age. She had joined their gang, about a year ago along with this guy called 'Dabi'. Izuku didn't usually accept adults into his gang, but Dabi was friends with Himiko and both were useful. Himiko's very blatant crush on Izuku, made her easy to manipulate. Dabi just liked murderer.

"Whatever," Izuku shrugged, as he looked at his idea board again. Izuku got to work. He quickly took out a pen and started writing on a piece of paper and put it on the board. The note said-

'Priority one: Kill Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa'

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