chapter 1

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YN starts waking up his vision was blurry all he can see was white and along people in hazmat suits pushing him in a hospital bed he tried to talk but he was too weak from he's fight with the hive mind the people hazmat suits stop and YN can hear them talking

???: so where did you find this guy

???2: we found him in one of the storage closets it looks like he's in a coma

???: he also had weapons on him and is wearing armor but this weapons and armor looks really advanced

???: i see

???2: we also figured out something going on in his brain

???: what is it

???2: some kind of blueprint I don't know what it is

???: i see have the team figured out what that blueprint is and tests the T-virus with him

???3: yes sir

YN starts falling unconscious again he tries to fight it but no luck he went unconscious


YN wakes up again he starts coughing and was breathing heavily he looks around and see that he's in some room with laboratory equipment he sees that he's still have his armor but not his weapons he got up but he hold his side since he was still injured and his RIG was red meaning he's close to death

YN: where the hell am I

YN looks around the room then he saw his weapons on a table along with his helmet

YN: thank God

YN grabbed his weapons then he put on his helmet and then he leaves the room and he sees the hallways are empty no one to be seen he is still confused where is he right now

YN: hello everyone here

Nothing no response

YN: let me try Isaac

YN tries to communicate with Isaac

YN: Isaac you there

Nothing just static

YN: Isaac

More static

YN: Isaac come in

Still static and YN lost connection

YN: Dammit

YN signs

YN: guess I better find a way out of here

YN starts waking around in the empty hallways he was still weak and his RIG was red he was holding his plasma cutter he did make sure to check his weapons he had ammo that would last for a while then the pain hit him

YN: goddammit

YN stops walking and he holds onto the wall he needed some rest YN lays down on the ground to sleep the pain away he slowly calm down his breathing then he fall asleep


YN starts waking up from his sleep he was still in pain but a little bit then he sees a black hair woman with a rife in her hands then YN suddenly started coughing

???: Sir we got a survivor

YN: who are you

???: it's okay we're here to help

YN sees multiple people in black uniforms with weapons as the woman help him up

???: Rain

Rain: sir this Survivor here is injured

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