chapter 9

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After of what happened in the church YN is walking with Alice Jill Peyton and Terri in a graveyard

Jill: we need to find somewhere to stop for a moment

Terri: uh uh I don't think that's a good idea there might be more of those things

Alice: if there were more we'd have seen them by now

Terri: so you know what they are

Alice: they're bio weapons from the Umbrella labs beneath the city

Terri: how come you know so much about Umbrella

Alice: I used to work for them

Terri looks at YN

Terri: and how do you know about those other things

YN: they're Necromorphs

As they walk Peyton hold his leg in pain

Peyton: ahh damn it

Alice grabbed her handgun and aims at Peyton as Jill her handgun at Alice while YN aimed his plasma cutter at Jill

Jill: what do you think you're doing

Alice: he's wounded the infection spreading

Peyton: I'm fine

Alice: you should take care of him now it'll be more difficult later you know that

Jill: no if it comes to that I'll take care of it myself

Alice: as you wish

Alice looks at Peyton

Alice: it's nothing personal but in an hour maybe two you'll be dead and moments later you'll become one of them you'll endanger your friends try to kill them probably succeed I'm sorry that's just the way it is

YN: even if we kill you right now we gotta cut off your limbs

Jill: why

YN: like I said how to kill Necromorphs you have to shoot down the limbs the one thing about Necromorphs kill to make more corpses to infect

Then suddenly a hand come of the ground and grab Terri leg as a zombie come out of the ground

Terri: help me

Alice kick the zombie killing it then YN felt a zombie grabbed him he quickly grabs the zombie and filp it as he snap its neck with his feet YN grabbed a zombie and slam it at a tombstone breaking its neck then more and more kept on coming YN kick a zombie leg and slap it neck and fhe the YN grabbed a zombie and impaled it on a birdbath and crush it head with his feet

Alice: there's too many of them let's get out of here this way

Everyone started running as the zombies slowly followed them then at a Umbrella Corporation

Woman: sir T-virus and Marker infection has reached critical levels

Cain: this presents a perfect opportunity ensure all date steams are recorded activate Nemesis and Hunter Program now

Back at the Raccoon City Hospital a big creature laying on a hospital bed wakes up then in a different room a creature in a chamber wakes up as it banging on the glass then it breaks out as it roared

Back at the Raccoon City Hospital a big creature laying on a hospital bed wakes up then in a different room a creature in a chamber wakes up as it banging on the glass then it breaks out as it roared

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Back with the group after they escaped the graveyard YN was wondering how was he was able to move and react that fast it was like he had military training but he didn't he's just an engineer

Jill: those were some pretty slick moves back there I'm good but I'm not that good

Alice: you should be thankful for that

Jill: what do you mean

Alice: they did something to me and YN I barely feel human anymore

Then a phone rings

Alice: we should keep moving before the sound attracts anything

YN: right

They continued walking but every phone that they passed rings don't know why until Alice got annoyed as she answered the phone

Alice: hello

???: God I thought you'd never answer

Alice: who is this

???: I can get you out of the city all five of you but first we have to come to an arrangement are you ready to make a deal

Alice: do we have a choice

???: not if you want to live beyond tonight no


Everyone is in a bus YN was checking his weapons of his ammunition he's got left

Jill: so his name is Dr Ashford and he runs

Alice: runs the advanced genetics and viral research division of the Umbrella Corporation

Jill: what's he want with us

Alice: his daughter Angela is trapped within the city Umbrella was supposed to evac her but she didn't make it she's hiding out in her school we find her he'll help us escape the perimeter

Peyton: no fucking deal we find the building with the thickest walls the strongest doors and we barricade ourselves in sit tight wait for help

Alice: there won't be any help according to Ashford Umbrella knows they can't contain the infection so at sunrise this morning Raccoon City will be completely sanitized

Terri: what do you mean by sanitized

Alice: a precision tactical nuclear device

Jill: what yield

Alice: five kilotons

Jill: fuck me

Terri: what does that mean

Alice: it means it'll destroy the infection and all evidence of it

YN: what they can't do that they can't just destroy the entire city there could be survivors in the city

Peyton: he's right that's bullshit no fucking way would they get away with that it would be all over the fucking news

Terri: cover up

Alice: cover up already prepared a meltdown at the nuclear power plant

Terri: a tragic accident

Peyton: not even Umbrella is capable of this

Jill: not capable Peyton you were at the bridge you know exactly how far Umbrella will go

Peyton: so what do we do now huh

Alice: I think we should be out of here by sunrise

YN: and once we get of the city we'll tell the world what they have done

Jill: how we don't have any evidence

YN: we'll found a way

To be continue

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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