chapter 4

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The group have been waiting for some time now the zombies and Necromorphs were still banging on the door YN check the ammo of his weapon he used a lot of ammo of his pulse rife so he decided to use his plasma cutter for now the line gun and contact beam had ammo Rain checked her pistol since her rife was out of ammo

Rain: I'm got one in the breech and an extra mag

YN: you better use them wisely

Some time passes the group have been waiting for Alice and Matt to come back the zombies and Necromorphs continued banging on the door then the other door opened and it was Alice and Matt as Rain aimed her pistol and zombies and Necromorphs were behind them

Alice: don't shoot don't shoot

Spence: close that door

Alice: they're right behind us

Spence: close the door

YN Alice and Spence closed the door but a zombie grabbed Spence arm YN quickly grabs his plasma cutter and he cut off the zombie arm off and they closed the door

Spence: son of a bitch

Rain: you okay

Spence: yeah I'm good

YN: Alice

Alice: YN

YN and Alice hug each other happy to see each other being okay

YN: I'm glad you're okay

Alice: you too they're behind us what about this door

YN: no use they're waiting out there too

Alice: and that way

Kaplan: it's a dead end there's no way of the queen's chamber

Spence: so we wait if someone doesn't hear from you they'll send backup or something right

Rain and Kaplan had pale faces

Spence: what what's wrong

Kaplan: we don't have much time

Rain: you know those blast doors we passed on the way in from the mansion they seal shut in just under an hour if we're not out of here by then we're not getting out

Spence: what are you talking about they can't just bury us alive down here

Rain: containing the incident is the only fail-safe plan they had against possible contamination

YN: fuck

Spence: and you're telling us this now when we're trapped half fucking a mile underground

Alice: we have to find a way out of this room

Alice started going in the Red Queen chamber

Rain: what are you doing

Alice grabbed the bag

Kaplan: where are you talking those

Alice: I'm turning her back on

Kaplan: that is not a good idea

Alice: she'll know a way out of here

YN: she's right it's the only way out of here

Rain: that homicidal bitch killed my team

Alice: that homicidal bitch may be our only way out of here

Spence: considering how she's being treated I'm sure she's gonna be happy to help us out

resident dead (Dead Space X Resident Evil)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora