Vent #1

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lets start.
🏫School🤕: School is literally so mentally draing and i have a science fair coming up at my school and i didnt get the poster that i needed to complete it until monday/march 13 and its due friday/march 17 and i need to start and complete it in four days right now i have 2 days left because im taking a break for today since its 10PM and im not even half way done. It so fucking stressful and draining. Its like school thinks your life revolves around it. Well me doesnt. I have other things to do. But i have to spend all my free time doing this stupid project just so i can move onto 6th grade.

🏘Home life😔: My mom hates me. My dad doesnt accept me. My brother is the favorite child. I starved because my brother ate all of the only food i would eat. Because alot of foods make me throw up so i had starved for 2 days. My brother keeps calling me a fat pig and my mother calls me an ungreatful brat because i do t eat all the food she gives me. My bed at my moms is an air mattress with alot of holes in it. And my bed at my dads is a squeaky ass bed thats going to fall apart any minuet. My parents are divorced and it puts alot of pressure on me because now every single day i have to go back and forth and back and forth and so on. Its mentally draining and my mom married a man that is atleast 10 years older than her.

😡Friend stress😥: So sometimes a tell a few of my friend about how i want to kms. Then they say"oh no dont kill yourself. If you kill yourself then i'll kill myself do you really want that?!" and lije jesus i understand that you want me here but no need to shout at me. I just want people to be happier and that is without me. Then some of my friends guilt trip me daily and take most of my stuff. And i cant say no to guilt triping or them taking all my stuff without asking because i have to keep my title as nicest person or there all going to hate me. Thats how it is in my class eithet that all love you or they all hate you. Everyone is rude and i cant thi k strait around them earlier today i jokingly called my friend annoying because they were being annoying and they got mad so now i just have to suck it all up and not show my emotions apparently or else everyone is going to hate me. They also depend on me to break up the fights. Its a huge weight on my shoulders and i feel like i can hardly breathe. If you go to my school and know who im talking about please dont tell them

Word count: 516
(the longest shit ive ever written)

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