Vent #3

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Today i had a break down. They didnt know why. Well if you read this you'll know why aswell. Today our teacher was yelling at everyone for something only 5 people were doing. 5 OUT OF 22 PEOPLE!!!! It was so annoying and in g.t right before i had the breakdown i felt a very heavy weight on my shoulders and it felt like i couldnt breathe. It felt lkke everyones eyes were on me when i started crying. Everything was so stressful and tomorrow i have to do my science fair presentation. I am not a very social person i wss have a panic attack if im forced to talk for more than 15 minutes. The science fair is from 8A.M-2P.M. THATS 6 HOURS! IM BEING FORCED TO SAY THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER FOR 6 HOURS!!!!!!! So yay. I want to kms but i do t want mt friends getting that call so i'll just stay alive in misery.

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