Chapter 4

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I woke up feeling water trickling down my legs and I felt wet, I tried getting up but I felt contraction pain. "Dijun." I whispered, he opened his eyes. "What's wrong XiaoBai?" he asked in the most caring voice. "Your daughter is ready to come out." I said as I felt another contraction, he got up and he changed my robe and he took me to the mid-wives headquarters. "Get everyone to come." he nodded his head.

The mid-wives placed me gently on the floor, the others were rushing getting water and towels. "Empress are you still alright?" I nodded my head. " I am alright for now." Soon uncle Zhe Yan had joined the mid-wives, they kept checking on me and reporting to him. "It's time." they looked at me expectantly.

After pushing so many times and with all my might, my daughter finally came out but something was wrong she wasn't crying. "Why isn't she crying!" I asked weakly, I tried getting up but I ended up blacking out.


The Fox Emperor, Empress and XiaoBai's grandfather was here then Mo Yuan came, Ye Hua stayed behind in Kunlun Mountain because he wanted to watch over Gun Gun. As were waiting I grew nervous since we couldn't hear any sounds, after a long time Zhe Yan came to get me. "What's wrong?" I questioned softly, he didn't say anything but he just dragged me, XiaoBai was asleep but there was no sound of crying. "Where is my daughter?" I asked softly. "She didn't make it Dijun." I frowned at Zhe Yan.

I couldn't comprehend what his words meant, he handed me my daughter she looked so beautiful but there was no sound coming from her, I used my magic to wake but she wasn't responsive. "Wait here." I went outside. "Mo Yuan I need your help." he came with me and then he looked at our daughter. "She won't wake up! I tried waking her with my magic but it didn't help." Mo Yuan looked at me, then at Zhe Yan.

He removed his robe and then he unwrapped my daughter from the cloths they had wrapped her with, he then held her against his just directly on his mark and then his eyes started glowing a light blue shade and then he whispered something into her ear and just after a few minutes, a loud baby scream filled the room.

My daughters eyes opened and then Mo Yuan handed her back to me, her eyes had the same bluish light Mo Yuan had but it soon disappeared and warm chocolate brown eyes were staring at me. "Thank you for coming back." I kissed her forehead. "Thank you." I said to Mo Yuan, he nodded his head and then he left, I went to sit next to XiaoBai and waited for her to wake up.

Zhe Yan

After checking on Fengjiu one more time I left Dijun for a bit because I wanted to speak to Mo Yuan, I found him standing outside. "Mo Yuan." I called him softly. "Don't ask." he whispered softly. "Well I want to know, how did you do that?" There was a frown on his face. "I can't tell you." he whispered softly,

I grabbed his hand. "Since when do you hide things from me?" I asked softly. "You said you would let me go." he whispered softly. " Are you keeping your distance from me because of what I said to you?" he sighed. "I am not keeping my distance but this will get complicated." he whispered softly. "I don't have a problem with what you said and nor do I resent for it but give me sometime to think." He walked away from me, leaving me feeling confused more than I was.

Mo Yuan

When I arrived at the mountain my brother was waiting for me. "Did he wake up?" I asked as I checked on Gun Gun's pulse. "He woke up but I told him to take a nap again." I nodded my head. "You look strange, did something happen?" he asked softly. "Dijun's daughter wasn't breathing when she came out." I whispered softly. "What!? How could that be! They said she was healthy! Is Fengjiu okay?" Gun Gun opened his eyes and he stared at me.

He sat up. "What happened to my sister?" he whispered softly. "You should go to Heaven and meet your sister." he jumped up quickly and he left. "I am confused." Ye Hua said softly. "You said..." he drifted. "She's alive because of this." I pointed on the Mark. "When I held her in my arms she activated something in me, 

and the pain of my mark subsided but the moment I let her go it started hurting again." My brother's eyes went wide. "Do you think Dong Hua's daughter is your...." I shook my head. "Don't even think about it." he made a funny face at me. "I am warning you behave." he sighed. "Fine but we have to go give gifts." I nodded my head.

Ye Hua

When my brother had finished brooding we retuned back to Heaven to see Fengjiu and her daughter, when we arrived in Tai Chen Palace Gun Gun was busy kissing his little sister's face, we greeted Dijun but Fengjiu was currently asleep. "Did you bring gifts for my daughter?" he smirked at us. "I did." I said softly, he cocked his head to the side and looked at my brother. "I prepared a gift but she will get it when she is 28 000 years old." a beautiful smile graced Dijun's face.

Gun Gun brought the baby to us and he first handed her to me. "What's her name?" I asked softly. "Bai Liena." Dijun whispered softly,

 she opened her icy dark grey eyes with an amber butterscotch highlight around the iris she stared at with curiosity then she started crying. "Your ugly face has made her cry." my brother teased. "Don't forget we share the same face." I said sulkily, I handed her to my brother and she immediately stopped crying.

When I looked at my brother his eyes had turned into a burning blue color and then she broke out into an all gummy smile, he caressed her face gently and for a split second her eyes became like his. "Okay okay give me my daughter back." Dijun whined, my brother handed her back to him and then my brother groaned.  "Are you okay?" He nodded his head.

Dijun was staring at Liena. "This is new." he said in a low shocked voice. "What?" I asked curiously, he turned her towards us and there was a blue mark on her forehead it looked nothing like Fengjiu's phoenix flower but it was so beautiful nonetheless, my brother just took off without saying anything.

Dong Hua was looking at me strangely. "Your brother has been acting weird since he saw my daughter, why?" I sighed. "That's something that you are going to have to discuss with him but if  I had to guess it has something to do with that troublesome mark of his." he nodded his head.

Gun Gun came and kissed his sisters forehead. "Father I have to return to Kunlun Mountain, I will ascend later today." he went to kiss Fengjiu. "I will return with him, let us know when you will hold the ceremony for her." he nodded his head.

When we arrived in Kunlun Mountain my brother was nowhere to be seen. "Is High God Mo Yuan alright?" Gun Gun asked softly but before I could answer him, my brother's seventeen's disciple came running. "Gun Gun you're back!" he then looked at me. "Oh, greetings crown prince." he bowed his head.

I returned his greeting and then I decided to go look for my brother.

Gun Gun

As soon as Crown Prince Ye Hua left Aunt was practically bouncing up and down. "Did you see her! Is she healthy! How is Fengjiu?" there was excitement in her voice. "Mother is tired, Liena is healthy even though there was a complication but High God Mo Yuan fixed it." she frowned. "What do you mean there was a complication?" I sighed. "Ask mother when you have a chance." she nodded her head.

Suddenly her face was alight with excitement. "I will get a chance to ask her when they hold the crowning ceremony in Qingqiu!" I blinked at her. "Master won't allow us to go." I whispered softly. "He doesn't have to know besides don't you want to come with me?" I shook my head. "Trouble follows wherever you are so no." I went outside to check on the weather.

I was definitely going to ascend the sky looked very angry well at least I got to see my sister but I was worried about High God Mo Yuan.

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