A new family

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As everyone was going to class Draco gave Harry a small little kiss on his check. "I love you my little lion. I'll see you after class." Draco said as he ran off to Crabbe and Goyle. Harry smiled as he turned around and went to find Hermione and Ron. In potion class Snape was talking about how the year was going to go as Draco had his head down on the table. "Hey Harry, is Draco okay?" Ron asked as Harry looked up and looked across the table to Draco. "I don't know, he was fine when I left him." Harry said as Snape came over to the table. "Potter! Weasley! Get started making the Boil-Cure Potion." Snape said as Harry and Ron started working with Hermione on the potion. Snape leaned over Draco and whispered 'What's wrong?' in his right ear. "It's nothing, professor." Draco said as Snape sighs and lifted up his hand to see that his left eye was bruised. "Who did this?" Snape whispered as Draco looked over to Goyle who was making fun of Neville. "I see, go see Madame Pomfrey." Snape said, giving a little smile to Draco. Draco got up and left the room. "Draco?" Harry said in a low voice as Snape came over to him. "He's fine, Potter." Snape whispered to Harry as he looked up to him. "Professor, I think you should know. Last night before Draco came to the courtyard he got a howler from his dad and mum and it wasn't a nice one either. They know about me and Draco and they disowned him and told him that no son of theirs is going to be gay and date the boy who lives." Harry whispered to Snape as he lowered his head down. 'Poor Draco, I am going to have to report this but that means he will have to leave Hogwarts and go back home.' Snape said in his head as Harry was looking at him. "Umm...Professor, Neville spilled his potion." Harry said as Snape looked back at the table where Neville was covered in the potion he made. "Everyone out! Class is canceled!" Snape yelled as everyone left. "Potter, can you take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing." Snape said as Harry stopped and went to Neville. "Yes professor." Harry said as he took Neville's hand. In the hospital wing. "Good news Mr. Malfoy, your eye is all better." Pomfrey said as Harry and Neville came in. Harry looked right at Draco as Pomfrey turned around to him and Neville. "Mr. Potter? Mr. Longbottom? How may I help you?" Pomfrey said as Harry looked at her. "Professor Snape told me to bring Neville here because he spilled Boil-Cure potion on himself." Harry said as Pomfrey looked at Neville then back to him. "Bring him over here." Pomfrey said as she walked over to a bed next to Draco. Harry took Neville over to where Pomfrey was at and made him sit down on the bed. "Alright Potter and Malfoy you two can go and tell Professor McGongalla that Mr. Longbottom is here." Pomfrey said as Harry and Draco left the hospital wing. As Harry and Draco were walking down the hall Draco was really upset about that howler he got. "Baby?" Harry said quietly for only Draco to hear. "Am fine babe." Draco said as he looked over to Harry with a small smile. Harry looked at him knowing that Draco wasn't alright. "I told Professor Snape." Harry said as Draco stopped walking and looked at him. "You what!" Draco yelled as Harry grabbed his right arm with his left hand and lowered his head. "Am sorry, I thought he should know." Harry said then he started to cry. Draco sighs and walks over to Harry and pulls him over for a hug. While Draco was hugging Harry as Snape and McGogalla came around the corner. "Do you really want to separate them?" McGogalla asked as Snape looked back at her. "No I don't, that's why I am going to ask the Malfoys if I can adopt Draco." Snape said as he turned back to Draco and Harry. "Well I hope you talked to Draco first and see if he is okay with this." McGongalla said as they walked up to Harry and Draco. "Draco? Harry, can we talk to Draco alone please." McGongalla said as Harry kissed Draco and left for Gryffindor Tower. "Draco, we know about the howler your parents sent to you." Snape said as Draco started crying. "Draco, you can stay here." McGongalla said as Draco looked at her. "Draco, am going to ask you something okay." Snape said as Draco looked at him. "Can I adopt you as my son?" Snape asked as Draco stopped crying and looked at him shocked. "Sorry, it's just with your parents disowning and everything I was going to see if they give me custody over you." Snape said as Draco ran up to him and hugged him. "I would love for you to be my new father." Draco said as Snape smiled Dumbledore came around the corner with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. "You can have that mistake child!" Lucius said as Narcissa threw a small trunk to Snape. Draco started crying hard as Snape pulled him behind him. "Get me the papers so I can sign for I can have all the custody over him." Snape said as Lucius pulled out some papers from his robe. "Here!" Lucius said as Snape took the papers from him and started reading them. "Good, you put no contact with Draco here so he'll be mine son no sharing." Snape said as he took Draco to his office why everyone else followed them. When they got to Snape's office Snape made Draco take a seat in a chair near his desk as he picked up a quill from his desk and signed the papers and gave them right back to the Malfoys. "Draco welcome to the Snape's Family." Snape said as Draco smiled at him. "Come Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, you can follow me out." Dumbledore said as he was leaving Snape's office. Lucius and Narcissa looked at Draco as they were leaving. "You are nothing but a fag!" Lucius yelled at Draco as Narcissa spit at him. "Get out!" Snape yelled as he walked over to Draco. "Oh, just wait until he must not be name hears about this." Lucius said as he and Narcissa left the office. After they left Snape looked at Draco who was crying and scared. "Come here son." Snape said as Draco got up and came over to him. Snape hugs Draco as he cries on his right shoulder. McGongalla smiled at them as Harry came in behind them with tires rolling down his face. "Harry? What's wrong?" Snape asked as McGongalla turned around to Harry. "I am now an orphan. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia just put me up for adoption today. Hedwig just brought me the papers." Harry said as Snape stopped hugging Draco as McGongalla looked at him. "You have a Godfather Harry but he's at Azkaban." Snape said as McGongalla took the papers from Harry. "I'll see if he'll let me have share custody with him." McGongalla said as she left the office. Snape looks down at Draco, his new son and Harry, who is now an orphan who has a Godfather but he is in a prison. 'This isn't good.' Snape said in his head as Draco went over to Harry and hugged him. Hours later Harry was sitting in the transformation classroom as McGongalla was sitting at her desk. "Harry, are you okay with me being your new mum?" McGongalla asked as Harry looked at her and smiled. "At least I won't be bullied anymore and I won't be made to sleep under the stairs." Harry said as McGongalla looked at him with a smile on her face. McGongalla signs the papers as Dumbledore comes walking in. "So do I have another professor adopt a kid?" Dumbledore asked as McGongalla looked over to him with a smile on her face. "Yes, you do Albus and before you say anything. (Gets up from desk) Sirius Blake signs the papers giving me 90% custody over Harry." McGongalla said as Harry was happy to hear this. "Well then, I'll tell you like I just told Severus. Harry being your son now doesn't mean he can get away with stuff." Dumbledore said as he turned around and walked out. "So Harry, what's your favorite type of candy?" McGongalla asked, trying to get to know her new son. Later that night in the great hall. Everyone knows that Harry is now McGongalla's son and Draco is Snape's son so everyone was talking about it. "Harry, I can't believe you let Professor McGongalla adopt you." Hermione said as Ron looked at Harry. "Why didn't you ask my parents if they would adopt you? They love you and they would have signed those papers!" Ron yelled as Harry looked at him. "Ron, your mum and dad were asked and they said no!" Harry yelled as everyone was looking at him. Ron looked over to Fred who was sitting right beside him. "He's not lying Ron. Mum and Dad were asked and they both said no. It wasn't because of Harry it was because we have no room for him and Harry got a Godfather so." Fred said as Harry got up and left this got McGongalla's attention and Snape's as well. "Should you go get him?" Snape asked as Hagrid was bringing Harry back into the great hall. "No need." McGongalla said as she got up and went to Gryffindor's table. "Severus, your son is being bullied by your house." Dumbledore said as Snape looked over to his table. "Keep making fun of Draco and you all will be in detention!" Snape yelled as everyone at the Slytherin table stopped talking. Snape looked at Draco as he slowly got up and looked over to him. 'Sit down.' Snape mouths to Draco as he slowly sat back down as Crabbe and Goyle started laughing at him. Snape got up, hitting hands against the head table. "Enough! The next person who makes fun of Draco or Harry will be in detention for the rest of the year!" Snape yelled as Harry looked over to Draco as McGongalla came to him. Harry looked up to McGongalla and smiled at her. "Harry, listen I know this is hard for you right now but you can't just get up and leave like that." McGongalla said as Harry lowered her head as Hermione started to feel bad for him. "Hey Professor, do you think...." Harry was cut off by Draco screaming in pain. McGongalla ran over to Draco to see that someone poured a big thing of really hot soup on Draco. "Severus, I am taking him to the hospital wing!" McGongalla yelled as she picked Draco up and took off with him. Snape looked at the Slytherin table to see if he could find out who did that to Draco. In the hospital wing Pomfrey had about 10 other students, one Gryffindor boy who was hurt at quidditch practice, 3 Ravenclaw girls who was trying to prank a Hufflepuff girl who was also in but it backfired on them, then the other 5 was Hufflepuff girls who was trying to protect the other one. "Alright all Hufflepuff students can go and Ravenclaw you can too." Pomfrey said as all the girls left as she walked over to the Gryffindor boy. "Hello Poppy." McGongalla said as Pomfrey turned around to her and Draco. "Oh Minerva, put Mr. umm well put Draco down over there I'll be with him right after I am done with Mr. Horn here." Pomfrey said as McGongalla took Draco to the other side of the hospital wing and laid him down on a bed as Snape came in. Snape looked around and saw McGongalla with Draco so he walked over to them. "Is he okay?" Snape asked as McGongalla looked at him. "Not sure yet, Poppy is busy taken care of one of my Gryffindors after they fall off of their broom." McGongalla said as Pomfrey came over to them. "Alright so Severus, does he have your last name now or does he still have the same name?" Pomfrey said as Snape looked at Draco. "His name is Draco Malfoy Snape." Snape said knowing that Draco's family doesn't want anything to do with him. "Alright then well let's get him all healed and Minerva what about Harry?" Pomfrey said as McGongalla looked at her then to Snape. "Same name Harry James Potter, am not changing his last name unless he wants me too." McGongalla said as Harry walked in with Hermione. "Mum?" Harry said as everyone turned around to him with shocked looks on their faces. "Sorry, I thought it was...." Harry was cut off by McGongalla coming over and hugging him. "You call me whatever you like, Harry." McGongalla said as Hermione was standing near Draco and Snape why Pomfrey was looking over Draco. "Come on we'll visit later when Draco isn't in any pain." McGongalla said as she, Harry, and Hermione walked out of the hospital wing. Hours later in charms class Professor Flitwick was telling them about all the wonderful spells they will be learning to do. "Hey Harry, how does it feel to now be Professor McGongalla's baby boy?" Crabbe asked as everyone beside Ron and Hermione was laughing at Harry. "That's enough! Am taking 50 points from Slytherin!" Flitwick yelled as Snape came in with Draco. "What did I just hear? Who just lost Slytherin 50 points and why?" Snape asked as he made Draco go sit down. "Mr. Crabbe, he was making fun of Mr. Potter." Flitwick said as Snape walked over to where Crabbe was at. "Come with me." Snape said as Crabbe got up slowly and walked down the stairs. Snape made him leave with him as everyone in Slytherin was scared. 'Oh he is so dead.' Draco said to himself in his head as Flitwick was calling his head. "Mr. Snape!" Flitwick yelled as Draco snapped out of his daydream. "Yes Professor?" Draco said as everyone giggled as Draco lowered his head. "Pay attention." Flitwick said as Draco looked up to him. "Yes Professor." Draco said as Harry looked across the room to him with a cute little smile. Draco smiles back as Flitwick tells them to open their books. After charms class Harry and Draco were walking next to each other as Ron came by them and pushed Harry down. "Whoops." Ron said as Hermione came running over to Draco and Harry. "Ronald Wesaly! Why would you push your best friend down like that?" Hermione asked as Ron started laughing as he walked away. "Are you okay Harry?" Hermione asked as she and Draco helped him up. "Yeah, I am good." Harry said as they all started walking to the transformation classroom. In the transformation classroom McGonagalla was getting everything ready for class as Harry, Draco, and Hermione walked in. "Hey mum." Harry said as McGongalla looked up to him and smiled as the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherins came into the room. Harry and Hermione sat down together as Draco sat down by himself. "Aww looked Hermione is trying to get on the Professor's good side by being her son's best friend." Crabbe said as Ron, Goyle, and the rest of the class laughed as Harry and Draco lowered their heads. "Harry and Draco, can I talk to you two outside?" McGongalla asked as she walked over to the door. "Yes Professor." Draco said as he got up and went to the door as Harry got up and went over to them as well. Outside with McGongalla, Harry, and Draco. "I want you two to go to the potion class and ask Professor Snape can you stay in his office just until our classes are over and we can go talk to Professor Dumbledore about you two taking private classes at night." McGongalla said as Harry looked at her with a sad look on his face. "Harry, I know you want to take classes with everyone but the way everyone is treating you both isn't right so just for this year you will take private classes. Now off you two go straight to the potion classroom." McGongalla said as Harry and Draco started heading to the potion classroom. With Draco and Harry as they were walking down a hall. "Hey Harry, do you want to go make out in the courtyard?" Draco asked as Harry looked at him and smiled. "Let's go." Draco said as they sneaked over to the courtyard. Hours later with Snape he was waiting for Harry and Draco to come but they never did. "Mmm...Harry and Draco were supposed to be here hours ago. I wonder where they could be." Snape said as he looked back at his class. "Class, stay here I need to go get something I'll be right back." Snape said leaving his third year student unattended. In the courtyard Harry and Draco were behind some bushes. "Ahhh! Yeah!" Harry yelled as Draco kept kissing his neck and his whole body. "You know if we are caught we are going to be in really big trouble right." Harry said as Draco kissed him right on the lips. Harry and Draco were still making out while Snape came walking out to the courtyard. 'Oh when I get my hands on Draco he is going to find out what being locked up in his room feels like.' Snape said in his head as he looked around the courtyard for Harry and Draco. Five minutes later Harry and Draco stop as they hear Snape yelling their names. "Stay down." Draco said as he stood up for Snape to pay attention to him. "Draco Malfoy Snape! Where is Harry at?" Snape asked, looking around the courtyard. "He isn't here dad, me and him got into an agreement on the way to you so we went our separate ways. I think he went towards the Gryffindor Tower." Draco said as Snape came over and grabbed his arm. "You're in so much trouble." Snape said as he dragged Draco into the castle. Harry waited for an hour then he got up and took off to Gryffindor Tower. At Gryffindor Tower Harry got there and told the Fat Lady the password and went in and went right to his dorm. No one else was there so Harry just lay on his bed thinking about Draco. 'Why Draco? Why not let both of us get caught?' Harry asked himself in his head as he heard someone coming up the stairs to his dorm. "Harry?" McGongalla said as she opened the door to Harry's and a few other boys' dorms. Harry looked at McGonagalla with tears in his eyes as she came to his bed. "Professor Snape told me about the argument you and Draco had you want to talk about it?" McGongalla asked as Harry lowered his head. "No ma'am, I just want to rest until dinner is ready." Harry said as McGongalla got up and kissed him on the head. "Alright, if you need me just come to the transformation classroom." McGongalla said as she turned around and walked out. Harry felt bad about lying to McGongalla but he didn't want to be in trouble and he didn't want to make Draco in any more trouble. With Draco in his dorm room. 'Grounded for a month. Well I got myself in this so I have severe consequences for it.' Draco said to himself in his head as the doors opened and Snape came in. "Son, do you want to talk about the argument now?" Snape asked as Draco lay right down in his bed. "No dad, I don't want to talk about it." Draco said as Snape sighs and sat down on his bed. "I know how it feels to be in a fight with a Potter. Me and Harry's dad always got into a fight. James was so cute when he was mad." Snape said as he got up and looked at Draco and kissed him on his head. "Get some rest, I'll come get you when dinner is being served." Snape said as he walked out of the dorm. Draco couldn't help but think about what Snape just told him. 'Professor Snape is gay?' Draco asked himself in his head as he drifted off to sleep. Later that night Snape and McGongalla didn't want to wake Harry and Draco so they let them sleep through dinner.

The Forbidden Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें