The Fake Friends

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The next morning, Harry got up and looked around the room to all the wrappers and boxes all over the place. "Dang me and Neville were having a good time last night." Harry said as Neville woke up and also looked around the room to the mess. "Oh good morning Neville." Harry said as he saw that Neville was awake. "Good morning Harry, I guess we better start cleaning before Professor McGongalla comes." Neville said as Harry nodded his head. Harry and Neville get up and started to clean as they heard someone coming to their room. Harry and Neville were cleaning as fast as they could when the door came open and Dumbledore was standing right in the doorway. "Oh, good morning Professor. Can we help you with something?" Harry asked as Dumbledore looked around the room to the mess and he wasn't happy about it at all. Harry and Neville were still cleaning the mess up when Dumbledore came over to Harry and grabbed his right arm and made him sit down on one of the closest beds. "Potter! I know that Professor McGongalla is now taking care of you but that doesn't give you the right to trash the rooms!" Dumbledore yelled as Harry looked at him scared as Neville sneaked out of the room to get McGongalla. Harry didn't say anything as Dumbledore kept yelling at him but after a while he wasn't yelling about the mess anymore. "This is why your mom and dad died! To protect a brat like you! No wonder why your Aunt and Uncle gave you up! You're useless even for a wizard!" Dumbledore yelled as Harry started to tear up as McGongalla came running in. "Albus! Get away from my son!" McGongalla yelled as Dumbledore looked back at her and smiled. Dumbledore looked back at Harry and left his hand up and slapped right across Harry's face. McGongalla was shocked to see that as Dumbledore left the room. Harry put his hand on his face as McGongalla came over to him. "Oh my am so sorry Harry." McGongalla said as Harry looked at her with tears coming down from his face. McGongalla pulled Harry to her and started hugging him as Snape came in with Draco. "What happened?" Snape asked as McGongalla looked over to him as Harry turned to him to show the big red handprint on his face. "Who did this?" Snape asked as Harry started to cry again. "Albus." McGongalla said as she pulled Harry to her again to calm him down. Snape ball up his hands as Draco who was scared because if Dumbledore did this to Harry imagine what he'll do to him. Draco started to have a really bad panic attack as Snape looked over to him. Snape pulled Draco over to him as Neville came back to the room. "Harry, why don't you and Neville finish cleaning up then me and you can go have a son and mother day." McGongalla said as Harry looked up at her and smiled. "Alright get cleaning." McGongalla said as she got up and went to Snape and Draco. "Come on, let's take Draco to your office." McGongalla said as Snape and Draco followed her out of Gryffindor Tower. Harry and Neville started cleaning again and having fun doing it. Hours later Harry and Neville were done cleaning and now was sitting in the command room reading a book as McGongalla came in. McGongalla smiled as she came into the command room. "Hello boys, is your room clean?" McGongalla asked as Harry looked up to her and smiled. "Yes ma'am." Harry said as Neville looked up from his book. "Alright then well Mr. Longbottom, do you want to join us on a shopping trip to get some new school supplies? Don't worry, I'll send an owl to your parents and tell them." McGongalla said as Neville looked over to Harry who was cleaning his glasses. "I would love to Professor." Neville said as McGongalla smiled at him. "Alright well you both get ready to go why I send an owl to Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom." McGongalla said as she left the common room and went to the Transfiguration classroom. Harry and Neville got up and went upstairs to start getting dressed for their shopping day. After getting dressed Harry and Neville went to the Transfiguration classroom to meet with McGongalla. "I am happy that your mum invited me to join you both." Neville said as Harry was in a deep thought about something. "Harry?" Neville said as he poke Harry in his left arm. Harry looked at him with the blank look on his face as they got to the Transfiguration classroom. "Hey boys..." is all McGongalla said as she looked up from grading papers and saw the look on Harry's face. "Harry, are you okay Little Lion?" McGonglla asked as Harry looked at her. "I was just thinking about how everyone is treating me and Draco now because we are your and Professor Snape's." Harry said as McGongalla got up and walked over to him and Neville. "Harry, listen to me I love you and everyone else is still getting used to you and Draco being our sons." McGongalla said as Harry looked up to her as she was smiling at him. "Come on, let's go." McGongalla said as her, Harry, and Neville for their shopping day. With Snape and Draco in Snape's office. Snape was being really overprotective of Draco with every move he made. "Dad, can I please hangout with some of my friends?" Draco asked as Snape looked up from his papers. "Draco, I don't want you out of my sight." Snape said as Draco just sat in an arm chair across from Snape's desk. "This is fucking far!" Draco yelled as Snape jumped up from his desk and looked right at him. "Draco Malfoy Snape!" Snape yelled as Draco looked up to him. Snape walked over to Draco with a disappointing look on his face. "Get to your room you're grounded for three months and you also got detention with me during those months." Snape said in a strict voice as Draco was scared he knew that this time he wasn't getting out of this. Snape just looked at Draco with disappointment in his eyes. "Go to your room now." Snape said as Draco got up and went to Slytherin's Common room. Snape went back to his desk and sighs. "Oh Draco, I hate punishing you." Snape said as he put his hand over his head. With Draco in his dorm room. "Ooo...Little Snake in trouble." Crabbe said as Goyle and two other boys were laughing. Draco just lay on his bed as Goyle walked over to him. "I hope he beats you so badly and takes your wand from you. You can't always be in the spotlight Draco." Goyle said as Draco sat up with his wand pointing right in Goyle's face. Goyle backup as the other boys and Crabbe put up their hands. "Draco, we were just joking. Please put your wand down, you know we had our wands taken from us." One of the boys said as Draco just kept pointing his wand at them. "No! You all keep making fun of me and now you all stop when I pull my wand on you!" Draco yelled as Snape came into the room. "Draco, lower your wand." Snape said as everyone turned to him and grinned. Draco started lowering his wand but he didn't get it down enough before Goyle turned to him. " are in bigger trouble now." Goyle said as Draco pointed his wand right back at him. "Ascendio!" Draco yelled as Goyle went right up in the air. Snape smiles at this but he knows he has to punish Draco for doing this. "Draco Malfoy Snape, put him down and come to my office." Snape said in a stern voice. Draco lower Goyle down back to the ground then lower his wand. "Yes sir." Draco said as he walked over to Snape who was standing at the door. As Draco got to the door Snape stopped him. "Wand now." Snape said, holding out his hand. Draco gave his dad his wand and lowered his head. Snape took Draco's wand and leaned over to him. "I'm proud of you. Now go to my office!" Snape said, whispering the first part then yelling the second part. Draco smiled but kept his head down for the others wouldn't see. "Yes sir." Draco said as he left the room. With Harry, Neville, and McGongalla as they came back from their shopping trip. "Thanks again mum for today." Harry said as McGongalla smile at him and Neville as Dumbledore came over to them. "Where in the hell have you been!" Dumbledore yelled as Neville, Harry, and McGongalla looked back at him. "I took my son and his friend shopping." McGongalla said as Dumbledore looked at Harry with a mad look. "You do realize your "son" is the boy who lives! You could have gotten him killed! 'Even though that would help us better from protesting the brat." Dumbledore said as he mumbles the last part but McGongalla heard him. "Harry, you and Neville go back to Gryffindor Tower, why my and Professor Dumbledore talk." McGongalla said as Harry grabbed Neville's left arm and pulled him towards Gryffindor Tower. McGongalla waited until Harry and Neville weren't around to hear what she was going to say. "Albus, I know who I adopt but if I hear you say you want to see him dead again I'll report you now if you want me to take over this school let me know until then you let me handle my son." McGongalla said as she turns into a cat and leaves Dumbledore in shock and with no words. In Gryffindor Tower with Harry and Neville. "I can't believe that he wants me dead." Harry said as Neville looked at him in shock because he didn't think that Harry heard what Dumbledore said. "I didn't think you really heard that." Neville said as Harry looked at him. "Harry?" Hermione said as she came with a black eye. Harry turned around and jumped up as he saw this. "Hermione, who did this to you?" Harry asked as he went to Hermione. "Ron did because I told Percy about him trying to cheat on his test." Hermione said as Harry was really mad about this. "Oh, when I see Ron again he is going to get it." Harry said as McGongalla, still in cat form, came into the common room. "Harry." McGongalla said as she turned back into a human. "Oh hey mum." Harry said as McGongalla came closer to Hermione and took a look at her eye. "Come Ms. Grainger let's get you to the hospital wing and Harry lay a hand on Mr. Wesaley you will be grounded for the first time from me." McGongalla said as she led Hermione to the door as Harry just watched knowing she wasn't joking. "Wait, you've never been in trouble?" Neville asked as Harry looked at him and smiled. "No, because ever since my parents death my aunt and uncle always lock me in a cupboard so getting into trouble was never my thing." Harry said as he sat down on the couch. "Wait, you were living in a cupboard?" Neville asked as Harry laughed as Ron came down the stairs from the boy dorms. Harry looked up to Ron as he came over to him and Neville. "Hey Neville! Hey Harry!" Ron said as Harry lowered his head ball up his fits. "Hey Ron, why did you hit Hermione?" Neville asked as Ron stopped and looked at him. "She is nothing but goodie goodie." Ron said as Harry walked over to him. "Harry, remember what Professor McGongalla said." Neville said as Harry just looked at Ron with anger in his eyes. "Aww...the little baby can't do anything because he'll make mommy mad." Ron said as Harry just ball up one of his hands and left it up. Harry just started to think but he didn't care he punched Ron right in his right eye. "Oww!" Ron yelled as Harry walked upstairs to his room. Ron looked at Neville to the stairs that Harry just went up on. With Draco in Snape's office. "Well I am in bigger trouble now." Draco said as the door opened up and Snape walked in. "Draco, you're not in trouble for pulling your wand out on them but you're still grounded for cursing." Snape said as he went to his desk. Draco just looked up to his dad as he sat down in his chair. "Dad?" Draco said as Snape looked at him. "Yes?" Snape said as Draco looked at his hands. "Can I have my wand back?" Draco asked as Snape looked at him then to Draco's wand still in his hands. "No, you are now only allowed to have your wand for your classes." Snape said as Draco just looked at him. "Also there is a single bedroom just right beside mine in the common room so that will be your room from now on." Snape said as Draco didn't like that he was being taken away from the other students. Now it's time for lunch, come on." Snape said as he led Draco to the dining hall. With Harry in his dorm room laying on his bed. "Well I am grounded so what do I do?" Harry asked himself as the door opened and McGongalla came in. "Harry, why didn't you listen to me?" McGongalla asked as Harry just lowered his head. "Come on, we'll talk later after lunch." McGongalla said as Harry got up and went with her to the Great Hall. In the great hall everyone was talking and eating why Dumbledore was getting really mad about McGongalla not being there. "I swear if the reason why she is late is because of Harry I am going off on her." Dumbledore said as McGongalla came in with Harry and Hermione. "Minerva McGongalla Dumbledore!" Dumbledore yelled across the great hall as everyone was now looking at McGongalla. McGongalla made Harry and Hermione sit down at Gryffindor's table and walked up to the Professor table on the stage as everyone was still looking at her. "Albus, you know our parents are our sister and brother Ariana and Aberforth will love Harry now shut up!" McGongalla yelled as she sat down at the table. Dumbledore looked down at Harry whose eyes were wide open with stock. After an hour of eating quietly everyone was now doing their own things. "So you're grounded?" Harry asked why. Neville, Hermione, Draco, and him were sitting next to the fountain in the courtyard. "Yes babe for the millionth time. I am grounded for cursing earlier today." Draco said as Harry lay his head down in his lap. "Mine!" Harry yelled as Draco blush as Snape came to the courtyard and saw this and smiled. "Draco?" Snape said as Draco slowly looked up to Snape as Harry turned on his back and looked right up to him. "Hi dad, umm I was getting ready to go back to my room." Draco said as Harry refused to get up. "No mine!" Harry yelled as Snape laughed and took a seat on the edge of the fountain. "You can stay Draco." Snape said as he got out his wand and cast a spell that made a book appear out of thin air. "Cool, can you teach me that spell professor?" Harry asked as Snape looked down at Harry who was still laying on Draco's lap. "Of course I can, Harry." Snape said as he smiled at the boy who lives. 'Oh James, if you were here now I know you would have raised Harry well but I promise you me and Minerva will make sure he is the best wizard out there just like you and Lily. I miss you my love.' Snape thought to himself as he just started watching all them talk and laughed. With Ron, Goyle, and Cabbe watching all of this from the west side of the courtyard. "Look at them laughing and having fun but they are never in trouble." Ron said as he pulled out his wand and pointed right at Harry. "Furnunculus." Ron whispered as Harry started getting a lot of pimples on him. "Ahh!" Harry yelled as Snape jumped up and started looking at him as Ron, Cabbe, and Goyle laughed so hard. "Nice Ron, now he knows not to mess with us." Goyle said as Snape looked right over to them. "Get Harry to the hospital wing and Hermione go get Professor McGongalla." Snape said as Hermione took off to find McGongalla why Draco and Neville helped Harry to the hospital wing. Snape waited until they were gone until he walked over to Ron, Cabbe, and Goyle. "Who cast the Furnunculus Curse?" Snape asked as Ron, Cabbe, and Goyle stopped laughing and looked at him. No one spoke but right away Goyle pointed right at Ron knowing if he lied to Snape he was going to hear about later. Snape looked at Ron and held out his hand. "Give me your wand Mr. Wesaley." Snape said as McGongalla came out to the courtyard with Percy right behind her. "Ronald Wesaley!" Percy yelled as Ron turned around. "Percy, please I am sorry." Ron said as Percy walked up closer to him. "Oh you're going to be really sorry after I send an owl to mum and dad and after they give me and the twins to punish you." Percy said as Ron was shaken so badly. "Well I don't have to do anything so I am going to check on my son." McGongalla said as she left the courtyard and Percy left as well, dragging a now cry and begging Ron behind him. Snape just sighs and turns to Goyle and Cabbe. "Get back to the common room and you both have detention starting in the morning." Snape said as Goyle and Cabbe ran off to the Slytherin Common room. In the hospital wing Harry was now sleeping as Draco and Neville were watching him. "I can't believe that his so-called "Best Friend" did this to him." Draco said as McGongalla came in. "Poppy?" McGongalla said as Pomfrey came out to her. "Oh hello Professor, Harry is doing well. I had to give him something to calm him down other than that he is good to go." Pomfrey said as McGongalla smile and looked over to where Harry was at. "I'll let him sleep come get me when he wakes up Poppy." McGongalla said as she walked over to Draco and Neville. Later that night Harry was released from the hospital wing and back in Gryffindor Tower laying on the couch in the common room reading a book. 'I still can't believe Ron did that to me.' Harry thought to himself as Draco came in. "Babe?" Draco said as Harry looked up to him. "Oh hey baby, is something wrong?" Harry asked as Draco sat down next to him. "I did the Furnunculus Curse on Ron." Draco said as Harry looked at him stocked and mad at the same time. "Draco!" Harry yelled as McGongalla was now listening in from the top of the stairs. "I had to get revenge for you! He had no right doing that to you and he had no right doing what he did to Hermione!" Draco yelled as Harry threw his book against a wall. "I already got revenge on him for what he did to me Draco! Me and Hermione sent a owl to Mrs. Wesaley teller her everything that Ron had did to us since we got here. Why do you think Percy is upstairs right now yelling!" Harry yelled as Draco just looked at him quietly. "I also hit him for hitting Hermione earlier!" Harry yelled at Draco then covered up his mouth after he took notice of what he just said. McGongalla came storming downstairs as Draco looked at Harry's scared face. "Draco it's time for lights out so please return back to your house." McGongalla said in a calm voice as Draco left the room. McGongalla looked at Harry with a disappointed face and pointed upstairs to the boys' dorms. Harry picked up his book but before he went upstairs to his room McGongalla grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to her. "I want you in the Transformation Classroom you are going to sit in timeout." McGongalla said as Harry's face turned 50 shades of red from embarrassment. "Get upstairs now and no candy." McGongalla said as Harry went up the stairs slowly. 8 hours later in the Slytherin Common room Snape just got done doing bed check as Draco came in. "Draco Malfoy Snape, where have you been? Bed check was over 8 hours ago." Snape said as Draco held his head down as he closed the door behind him. "I was in Gryffindor Tower." Draco said but Snape knows that McGongalla sent him away right at lights out which was 8 hours ago so where was he. "Draco, I know that Professor McGongalla sent you away from there right a lights out so where have you been?" Snape asked as Draco kept silent. "Alright then don't tell me well I guess no going broom shopping tomorrow." Snape said as Draco looked up to him. Snape looked at Draco and knew he did something bad but what. "Draco, what did you do?" Snape asked as Draco looked back at the door like he was expecting something or someone to walk in. "I prank Professor Dumbledore." Draco said as Snape was trying not to laugh pointing to the stairs leading downstairs to the dorms and his room. Draco went downstairs to his new room as Snape went to see what damage his son had caused.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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