The betrayal, the love, and the sickness 

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The next morning in the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry was sitting next to the fireplace reading a book when Draco came walking in. "Not going to potion class?" Draco asked as Harry looked up from his book and smiled. "No, mum told me I didn't have to go because Professor Snape is going to do a private class with me." Harry said as he went back to his book. This made Draco really mad; he took Harry's book from him and threw it across the room. "Baby?" Harry said as Draco slapped Harry across the face. Harry just sat there in shock as McGongalla who was just coming into the common room came running over and grabbed Draco. "What is going on here?" McGongalla asked as Harry looked up to her. "I don't know, mum. Draco asked me if I was going to potion class and I told him no then he got mad and slapped me." Harry said as Snape came into the Common room. "Draco Malfoy Snape!" Snape yelled as McGongalla let Draco go. Draco looked back at Snape as McGongalla went to Harry. "Why did you slap Harry?" Snape asked as he kneeled down in front of Draco with his hand on his shoulder. "Why can't I take private classes?!" Draco asked as Snape sighs and looked up to McGongalla as she was hugging Harry. "You are taking private classes. It's just for potion class. You will be in class with the other students." Snape said as Draco looked at him with a mad look on his face. "That's not far! Harry gets to take all his classes private!" Draco yelled as Harry was looking at him confused. "No I don't, I have to take Transfiguration classes with all the students." Harry said as Draco looked back at him. "Wait, so the only classes we don't have private are our mum's and dad's classes?" Draco asked as Harry nodded his head. Draco started to feel bad about slapping Harry and for yelling at Snape. "Sorry." Draco said in a lower quiet voice as Harry came over and hugged him. "I forgive you, you were just confused about what was going on." Harry said as McGongalla came over to them as Snape got up. "Come on Draco, time for class." Snape said as Draco and Harry stopped hugging. "Yes dad, bye babe I'll see you in Transfiguration class." Draco said as he and Snape left the Gryffindor common room. Harry went over to where his book was and picked it up and took it over to where he was at. "Alright Harry, I'll be back to get you for transfiguration class." McGongalla said as she went over and kissed Harry's head. "Alright mum." Harry said as he looked up and smiled at her. McGongalla left the common room as Harry was turning back to where he was in his book. With Snape and Draco as they are going to the potion classroom. "Dad, can I ask you something?" Draco asked as Snape looked at him and smiled. "Yes Draco?" Snape said as Draco looked up at him. "What did you mean last night when you said you know how it feels to be in a fight with a Potter?" Draco asked as Snape sighs and stopped walking. Draco stopped and turned around to face Snape. "Me and James Harry's dad were dating but back then being gay wasn't good so James had to hide it from his family so he was also dating Lily Harry's mum to cover up the fact that he was gay. Lily was both mine and James's best friend so she didn't mind doing this for us until one day we could come out. Then years passed and James and Lily got married and had Harry then He Who Must Be Named kill them because of me." Snape said as he started crying as Draco hugged him. "Am sorry dad I didn't know it would make you sad." Draco said as Snape whipped away the tears and hugged Draco back. "I am fine Little Snake, come on, let's get to class." Snape said as they started walking to the dungeon. With Harry still in the common room. Harry was still reading as Ron came over to him. "Hey Harry." Ron said as Harry looked up to Ron with a mad look on his face. "What do you want?" Harry said in a mad tone as Ron lowered his head. "I'm sorry for pushing you yesterday." Ron said as Harry got up and put his book in the chair he was sitting in. "Ron Weasley! You are supposed to be my best friend and you did all this to me! Do you really think I am just going to forgive you?" Harry said as Ron started crying as the doors started to open and Fred and George walked in. "What's going on here?" Fred asked him and George came over to Harry and Ron. "It's nothing, I really deserve it. I am the worst best friend ever. I have been making fun of my best friend and I have been really mean to my best friend and I am really sorry for that." Ron said as Harry didn't say anything because he knew that Ron was only saying this because both of  his brothers were right there and Hermione yelled at him the other day about this. "Leave me alone Ron!" Harry yelled as he picked up his book and went to his room. Ron looked back at Fred and George as they were shaking their heads at him. "You did this to yourself, little brother." Fred said as they left Ron just standing there with tears coming down his face. With Draco he wasn't having an easy time in potion class because someone made a potion that makes him meow like a cat. "Professor...meow?" Draco said as everyone laughed and Snape looked right at Draco with a worried look on his face. "Quite! All of you!" Snape yelled as he went to Draco. "Who did this?" Snape asked as everyone pointed at Goyle. "Mr. Goyle! You just lost Slytherin 10 points!" Snape yelled as all the Slytherin students looked at him shocked that he just took points from his own house. Snape looked down at Draco then back to Goyle. "You got detention with me later tonight before lights out!" Snape yelled as Draco started not breathing. "Draco!" Snape yelled as he picked Draco up quickly and ran out the door to the hospital wing. With Harry in his dorm room. Harry was laying on his bed reading as Ron came in with two chocolate frogs in his hands. "Harry?" Ron said as Harry put down his book and looked to the top of his bed. "What Ron?" Harry said in an annoyed voice as Ron sat down on his bed that was right beside Harry's. "Look I am really sorry. I am just jealous of you because you are now Professor McGongalla's son." Ron said as Harry rolled his eyes. "Here I brought you a chocolate frog." Ron said as Harry sat up and looked at the chocolate frog. "Ron, it's going to take way more than you giving me a chocolate frog and saying sorry." Harry said as he lay back down and turned to his left side. Ron sighs as he lay down on his bed in silence. Harry didn't say anything, he just fell asleep as McGogalla came in to check on him. "Mr. Wesaly, why aren't you in Potion class?" McGongalla asked as Ron looked over to her. "Umm..." is all Ron could say until a lot of the other first year Gryffindors came into the common room. "What is going on? Wesaly, you follow me." McGongalla said as Ron got up from his bed and followed her back down to the common room. In the hospital wing Snape and Dumbledore were talking as Pomfrey was taking care of Draco. "I can't believe you took points from your own house all because Draco was meowing like a cat." Dumbledore said as Snape looked at him with anger and worried in his eyes. "I don't care about those points, my son is laying on a table right now not breathing and you care about my house's points!" Snape yelled as Dumbledore looked at him with his arms crossed. "Severus, Draco isn't your real son. You adopted him because his whole family disowned him. You don't know the first thing about being a father!" Dumbledore yelled as Snape was really mad at this. Snape went to pull out his wand but remember right away if he did this he wouldn't be any better than Dumbledore so he just decided to walk over to Pomfrey and Draco. With McGongalla and the first year Gryffindors they all just told McGongalla what happened with Draco and how Snape just ran out with him. "Well, all of you then study your spells and potion making and no one is allowed to wake Harry up." McGongalla said as she left for the hospital wing. Back in the hospital wing Draco had finally woken up as Snape was yelling at Dumbledore for what he said. "Severus, you know it's true. Draco is nothing but a problem and needs to be punished." Dumbledore said as McGongalla walked in behind him. "What did Draco do?" McGongalla asked as Snape and Dumbledore looked at her. "Nothing, someone slipped something into his water in potion class that made him meow like a cat then not even 2 minutes later he wasn't breathing. Albus was telling me that two of the Slytherins told him that Draco started by threatening the whole house to a duel." Snape said as McGongalla looked at Dumbledore with a really you joking right look on her face. "Goyle, have already confessed to this." Snape said as he walked over to Draco. McGongalla sighs and looks at Dumbledore. "Albus, you need to stop! The kids who are at this school right now we are responsible for while they are here so when two of our students got disowned by their family members of course we are going to adopt them and make them our kids. So shut up and let's deal with our sons!" McGongalla yelled thinking about Harry and if Dumbledore was going to do this to him. Dumbledore was shocked that McGongalla raised her voice at him all the years he worked with her and she never did this. "Minerva..." was all Dumbledore got out as McGongalla throw up her hand and silence him. "I don't want to hear anything from you unless you are apologizing to Severus." McGongalla said as she walked over to Snape and Draco. Dumbledore just turned around and walked out of the hospital wing. With Harry who had just woken up to a loud boom. "What the hell was that?" Harry asked as he got up from his bed and walked out of his room. After Harry got down the hallway he looked downstairs to everyone making a potion that explodes when touched. Harry walked down the stairs slowly and looked around to the common room being really messy. "What the fuck! all might want to start cleaning this up before Professor McGongalla gets back." Harry said as everyone looked at him as Hermione came from the girls dormitory. "Aww...come on everybody let's listen to the Professor's baby boy and start cleaning up." Colin Creevey said as everyone started laughing and pointing at Harry. Harry looked around the room to the mess one more time then turned around and ran back upstairs crying. "Ooo...Colin you made the baby cry." Lavender Brown said as everyone was laughing even harder. Back in the hospital wing Snape and McGongalla was going through the potion that Goyle made and was trying to figure out what was in it that Draco could be allergic to. "Ugh! There is so much stuffed that in this potion it's going to take us months to find what he is allergic to." Snape said as McGongalla pick up one of the ingredients and looked at it. "Maybe not, why don't we get all the ingredients and give them to him and the ones he has a reaction to we write it down and the ones he don't we put to their side and write it down." McGongalla said as Snape went to get everything ingredients he had in his storage. Back in the Gryffindor common room everyone was still doing the explosion potion why Hermione watched from the stairs. 'Oh they are going to get us in really big trouble and poor Harry can't stop them.' Hermione said in her head as the door opened to Flitwick walking in looking for McGongalla. "What in the wizarding world is going on here!?" Flitwick yelled as Hermione ran back upstairs to her room. Back in the hospital wing Snape and McGongalla was done finding out what ingredients Draco was allergic to. "Okay so Draco you are allergic to ten potion ingredients so we have to be careful when you are in the classroom." Snape said as Draco sighs because he loves making potions. "Alright so the ingredients you need to stay away from are Adder's Fork (Adder snake's tongue), Avocado, Bat wing, Bicorn Horn, Billywig Wing, Cat Hair, Cinnamon, Snake Fangs, Owl feathers, and Eye of Newt." Snape said as Draco was shocked that he was allergic to all of that. "You are really badly allergic to these so don't go near them unless you are around me or another Professor." Snape said as Draco smiled at him knowing that he was only trying to protect him. "Come on, let's go to the great hall for lunch." Snape said as he and Draco left as Percy Wesaley came running into the hospital wing. "Professor, Professor Flitwick told me to come and get you." Percy said as McGongalla looked at him with a worried look. "What's wrong Mr. Weasley?" Professor McGongalla asked as Percy looked at her then lowered his head. "Some of the first year Gryffindor was making a potion that exploded and before you asked none of my brothers was in the tower when this was happening." Percy said as McGongalla pointed to the door as she started walking towards it. Percy walked to the door and left with McGongalla. In Gryffindor common room Flitwick had every last first year cleaning up the mess except for Harry who was sitting on the stairs leading up to the boy's dorms. "Mr. Potter?" Flitwick said as he came over to Harry. "Yes Professor?" Harry said as Flitwick sat down. "How are you doing?" Flitwick asked as Harry just sighs. "Am good, it just went from my parents dying, to eleven years and my Aunt and Uncle not wanting me anymore, to finding out I have a Godfather who is in some kind of jail for wizards, and now I am now Professor McGongalla son. So good just trying to figure out how long this is going to last." Harry said as McGongalla came walking in with Percy. "Well, you already got them cleaning their mess up. Now, you all expect for Mr. Wesaley, Mrs. Grainger, and Mr. Potter, I want you all to report to the Transfiguration classroom after you are all done and everyone else go to the great hall for lunch." McGongalla said as everyone who did the potion looked at each other. Harry started to giggle as he saw the looks on their faces. 'I have tried to tell them.' Harry said in his head as Flitwick looked at him. "Umm...Mr. Potter." Flitwick said as Harry stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face. "Yes Professor?" Harry said as he looked over to see Flitwick point towards McGongalla who was staring right at him. "Umm..." is all Harry got to say as McGongalla throw up her hand. "Get to the great hall now." McGongalla said it is a disappointing tune. Harry looked at everyone as they were all staring at him like he was about to cause a scene or something. "Yes ma'am." Harry said knowing he was in trouble for laughing at everyone but hey they are always laughing at him. Harry got up from the stairs and walked past everyone to the door. "Harry!" McGongalla yelled as Harry turned around to her. "Yes ma'am?" Harry said with a little bit of shakiness in his voice. "1 week, you know what am talking about." McGongalla said as Harry dropped his head knowing exactly what she was talking about. Harry then turned around and left the common room and headed towards the great hall. In the great hall every house except for the first year Gryffindors was at the table waiting for the food. "What are we waiting on?" A first year Ravenclaw girl asked as everyone was talking about it. "We're waiting on three Professors to get here!" the head boy from Hufflepuff yelled as Harry came in and saw that Draco wasn't at the Slytherin table. "Ahh...Mr. Potter, can you please tell me what is holding Professor McGongalla up." Dumbledore said as Harry looked up to the stage to him. "We had an incident happen in Gryffindor common room." Harry said as he went and sat down near Fred, George, and Percy. Dumbledore looked at Harry as he stood up from his chair. "I asked you where your mum is!" Dumbledore yelled as everyone looked at him while the doors to the great hall swung open and McGongalla and the first year Gryffindors came in. "Who are you yelling at Albus?!" McGongalla yelled as every first year took a seat. McGongalla walked up behind Harry while she was still looking at Dumbledore. Dumbledore didn't answer, he sat right back down and didn't say another word. "That's what I thought." McGongalla said as she grabbed Harry's shoulders. "Are you okay?" McGongalla whispered to Harry as he gave her a smile. McGongalla smiled back as Snape came in with Draco and Flitwick came in right behind them. "Well now that all the professors are here we can finally eat!" Dumbledore said as McGongalla looked at him as Snape took Draco to the Slytherin table. McGogalla then walked over to the stage. "You realize I am the headmistress here so if I want to be late I can and also if you have to know about Severus and Filius." McGongalla said as she looked back as Flitwick was coming up the stage and Snape was still making sure Draco was okay. "Filius was helping me and Snape was dealing with his son being allergic to stuff so he has to make sure he isn't near anything that will send back to the hospital wing." McGongalla said in a lower voice for only the other Professors and Dumbledore can hear her. Dumbledore sat there quiet as McGongalla sat down beside Dumbledore as Snape came up on the Stage. "How is he?" McGongalla asked as Snape sat down in the chair next to her. "Not good, he loves potion class and he loves making potions but now with him being allergic to many of the ingredients I don't know if I want to risk him even being in the class." Snape said as Dumbledore sighs and growls as the food starts coming out. McGongalla and Snape looked over to him with mad looks on their faces. "You got something to say?" McGongalla asked as Dumbledore looked over to her and Snape with an annoyed look on his face. "If Draco is not in potion class he's not going to pass his next year here." Dumbledore said as Snape got really mad about this. "Albus! Draco is allergic to so many things and you are telling me to risk my son's life for him to pass to his next year?!" Snape yelled as Dumbledore slammed his hand on the table which got all the professors' and students' attention to him. "He isn't your son! He is a Malfoy not a Snape!" Dumbledore said as Snape and McGongalla looked at each other with big grains on their faces. "Harry! Draco! Go back to Gryffindor Common room, we'll bring you something to eat later." McGongalla said as Harry and Draco got up and went back to Gryffindor common room. McGongalla and Snape looked right at Dumbledore then got up from the table. "You turn in the papers?" Snape asked as McGongalla looked at him. "Yes I did and they sent it right back with two Congratulations you have adopted a son for both of us." McGongalla said as Snape looked at Dumbledore. "You heard that Albus? Draco is my damn son and you won't speak to him like that ever again!" Snape yelled as McGongalla grabbed his shoulder. "Come on let's go be with our sons." McGongalla said as she and Snape left the stage. With Harry and Draco as they were walking up to the Fat Lady. "I'm sorry Potter but no Slytherin students allowed." The Fat Lady said as Draco looked at Harry. "Professor McGongalla said he can come in." Harry said as the Fat Lady let out a high pitched scream. Harry and Draco cover their ears as McGongalla comes running up to them. "Let's us in." McGongalla said as Snape came up as well. "Yes Professor McGongalla." The Fat Lady said as Harry stuck out his tongue to her. "Rude!" The Fat Lady yelled as she opened up. McGongalla looked at Harry with a stop look on her face. Harry put his tongue back in his mouth as they walked into Gryffindor Common room. After they all were in the common room McGongalla and Snape made Draco and Harry sit down near the fire. "Alright you two stay here why we go get you some lunch and if you leave you both will be in really big trouble." McGongalla said as Snape and her left the common room. Harry and Draco looked at each other wondering why they were made to leave the great hall. "Do you have any idea why they made us leave the great hall?" Draco asked as Harry looked at the fireplace. "No I don't but the way Professor Dumbledore was acting and the way they are acting something happened." Harry said as Draco lay back on the couch he was sitting on. "Why is this furniture more comfortable than ours?" Draco asked as Harry laughed and got up. Draco saw this and sat back up on the couch. "Where are you going?" Draco asked as Harry looked at him. "I'm going to get my book from upstairs. I'll be back." Harry said as he went to the stairs that lead to the boys' dorms. Draco sat there looking at the fire going in the fireplace as the door opened and McGongalla and Snape walked in with two trays of food. "Umm...where's Harry?" McGongalla asked as Harry came back down with his book in his hand. "Oh hi mum." Harry said as he came into the common room. "Oh there you are. For a minute there I thought you left the tower." McGongalla said as Harry stopped and showed her the book. "No ma'am, I just went to my dorm to get my book." Harry said as McGongalla put down the tray she was holding on a coffee table in the middle of the room. "Oh well it's time for you two to eat then you both can hangout here until Transfiguration class." McGongalla said as Snape put the tray he had down on the table. "Yes ma'am." Harry said as McGongalla came to him and kissed his forehead. "We'll check on you two when we are heading to class." Snape said as he and McGongalla left the room. Harry sat down and grabbed the tray that McGongalla put down for him as Draco did the same. "Well I guess they're not going to tell us why we are here and not with the other students." Draco said as Harry looked up to him. "Because if you haven't noticed Draco, everyone in Gryffindor and Slytherin is jealous of us because we are now sons of two professors. Also Professor Dumbledore is well being an ass hole." Harry said as McGongalla walked back in so she could grab her hat. "Harry James Potter!" McGongalla yelled as Harry's face went pale white. "Ma'am?" Harry said as McGongalla came over to him. "What have I told you about cursing?" McGongalla said as Harry lowered his head. "Sorry mum." Harry said as Draco felt bad for Harry because he knows how it feels to have a strict parent. McGongalla looked at Harry as she sighed. "We'll talk later Harry." McGongalla said as she walked to where her room was. Harry pushed his tray away from him and started to cry. Draco looked at Harry and didn't say anything because he didn't want to get into trouble for getting too busy. "Alright boys, am going and Harry please little lion no more cussing." McGongalla said as she left the common room. Harry waited for about an hour until her jumped up and ran to his dorm with tears coming down his face. "Ummm...."is all Draco said as he lay on the couch. Four hours later Draco had fallen asleep on the couch as all the Gryffindoor was just watching him. "What are you all doing!" Harry yelled as everyone got away from Draco as someone put one eye of newt on his head. "Get that off of him now!" Harry yelled as everyone was laughing as Harry gave them a scared look. "You all think i'm joking but i'm not Draco is allergic to that!" Harry yelled as everyone just looked at him as Percy came over. "What is going on here?" Percy asked as he came over as everyone but Harry pointed at Draco's head. Percy looked really scared as he quickly took the eye of Newt off of Draco's head. "Who did that to him? Percy said as all the Gryffindors pointed at Harry who was shocked. "I know he didn't because I watched him come over here and tell you all to take that off of his head." Percy said as Snape and McGongalla came into the common room. "Hey everyone." McGongalla said as everyone but Harry and Percy jumped. "Hey Professors!" Everyone, both Harry and Percy said as Snape came walking over to them and looked down at Draco's with a scared and mad look on his face. "Who put that on him?" Snape asked as everyone pointed at Ron who was still laughing. "Mr. Wesaley!" McGongalla yelled as Snape hit the eye of Newt off of Draco's head and picked him up. "Am taking him to the hospital wing." Snape said as Percy looked at Ron who was now just quiet and scared. "I can't believe this Ronald Wesaley!" Percy yelled as Snape left the common room with Draco in his arms. Everyone was looking at Ron as Percy, George, and Fred were yelling at him for doing something so stupid. "Well I was going to give him a week of detention but him having three brothers here I think they can come up with a better punishment." McGongalla said as Percy grabbed Ron's right arm and pulled him upstairs with George and Fred right behind them. Harry lowered his head as the other Gryffindoor students went to their rooms or wherever. McGongalla looked at Harry as she was thinking 'Should I just let him off the hook?' but before McGongalla said anything Hermione came over with cat paws as hands. "Professor?" Hermione said as McGongalla turn around and saw this. "What happen?" McGongalla asked as Harry came up behind her. "Someone put something in my water that I had sitting beside my bed and this happened." Hermione said as McGongalla sighs and led her to the hospital wing. Harry was only in the common room so he decided to just sit down on the couch and read. Hours have passed and neither Hermione or McGongalla have come back from the hospital wing. Harry looked up to the clock and saw how late it was and realized that he had missed all his private classes. "Great, I am going to be grounded now." Harry said as he got up and went to go find McGongalla. In the hospital wing McGongalla and Snape were talking when Pomfrey came over to them. "Umm...Where is Harry?" Pomfrey asked as McGongalla and Snape looked up at the clock. "Shit! I was so busy dealing with both Draco and Hermione that I forgot about Harry and his private classes." McGongalla said as she lowered her head. "Am a really bad mum for forgetting about my son." McGongalla said as Harry came in and heard this. Harry ran over to her and hugged her so tight. "You're a great mum, you're just busy is all." Harry said as McGongalla looked down to him and hugged him back. "Well with how late it is I said no classes tonight." Snape said as McGongalla agreed as Harry stopped hugging her. "Draco and Hermione?" Harry asked as Snape and McGongalla smile at him. "You can go see them." McGongalla said as Harry ran past them to where Hermione and Draco were at. As it got later everyone was now asleep except for Harry who was now in his room with Neville eating candy all night long. Ron was made to sleep in the dorm with his brothers now so it was just them. "Hey Harry?" Neville said as Harry looked at him as he grabbed a exploda soda. "Yeah?" Harry said as Neville looked at him. "Are you and Draco dating?" Neville asked as Harry dropped the exploda soda and glass shatter everywhere. McGongalla came in fast after hearing why she was doing her rounds to see the candy mess everywhere. "Are you two alright?" McGongalla asked as Neville and Harry looked at her. "Yes mum, we're fine." Harry said as McGongalla smiled at him. She didn't really care about the mess as long as Harry was happy, that's all she cared about. "Well don't you two stay up to late but please in the morning before you leave your room clean up." McGongalla said as she left the room. Harry and Neville cleaned up the glass before anyone got hurt, then they sat down on Harry's bed. "Yes, me and Draco are dating, just please don't tell anyone." Harry said as Neville smiled at him then they both decided that it was getting late so they went to bed.

The Forbidden LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin