A little obssesed arent we?

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-an obbsesed and possesive wilbur soot
-an oblivios tommy who dosent notices shit
-an writer whit dylexia

Tommys friends have been trying to tell him that wilbur seems to be getting jealous all the time, and that wilbur is kind of..obssesed and possesive.

Tommy thinks there paranoid.

Untill wilbur got mad that tommy wasnt spending enough time whit him.

3rd POV.

Tommy was talking to Phil over discord as usel.
Tho somehow the topic wilbur and his problems whit 'self controle' came up, and how when wilbur gets obssesed whit somthing that he puts all his fixation onto it, like a hyper-fixnation.
When wilbur would get obssesd over somthing like a food...hed buy it evreyday for atleast two months, or when he has a favourite band then hed buy all the merch, no self controle at all, not thinking about it for a second.

Phil laughed at tommy as he mentioned the food thing, but when phil shock his head and the chat in phils stream where cooing, and laughing tommy let out in quite an British accent, "what?".

"It's funny how you still didn't Notice" phil said, cooing himself.

"Notice what? That wilburs a freak?"
Tommy sighed, "no! How wilbur is litrly obssesed over you" phil said as he raised the water bottole to his mouth to drink.

"Obssesed? Man i dont think wilbur is obssesd over me, we're good friends,its normal to like want to spend time? Not like im some stranger" tommy agrumented.

"Yeah, but he dosent just wants to spend time, he wants all your time for himself, he even gets jealous when you give others your time!" Phil laughed.

"I simply dont belive any of your words mr.Minecraft" tommy answerd,while stream chat was going crazy like always when chatting happens a discord notification was send to tommy, letting through the mic a sound apeer which stream and Phil heard.
"Who was that? Is it important" phil questiond.

Tommy hesitated saying who the text sender was, but said it anyways.

"Its will" tommy sighed, as the man that was streaming laughed to hard for how funny it actually was, after all it was just an coincidence, and chat was reacting just the same way as phil was.

"What'd he text?" Phil asked, still laughing a little.

"Um, well 'Tommy im pissed, call' thats all" tommy mutterd, phil nodded, "ok child, go talk to your overly possesive, obssesed friend".

"SHUT UP" Tommy winned, then leaving the call, to now answer the 3rd call wilbur has tried.

"Tommy! I was waiting!" Wilbur said pissed.
"Sorry was whit phi-" tommy was rudely cut off.
"I dont want to hear your sorrys! Im like actually pissed. You should be spending time whit me right now" wilbur demanded, tommy cringed a little, looking at the time noticing that it was 6pm and that he had promised to call wilbur around that time.

"Sorry man, time floated pass so fast." Tommy murmerd.
"Fine..cant be angry anyways. Now just- lets play some BOtW" wilbur huffed.

(This is just part 1 there will be continuations on this one shot)

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