Car racing

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Part 1.
This contains, obsessive behavior, assult (by fans) and (minimal) Sa from a pice of shit (not a real person)

Tommy was whit his friends, which all whore a simliar jacket as him.

They where his pit crew after all.

Tommys logo, was a cat whit long sharp ears. It was silver on the pit crews jacket and small and golden on the left side of tommys chest on the jacket.

He cant remeber why he Chose a cat, the desine was simliar to an animal crossing cat, but it looked like a play boy logo, no details. Tommy liked it that way.

Now people have cald him cat before he even made it his logo.

Cops have called him a cat becuse he was sneaky, friends have called him one becuse hes kind but his mood can switch faster then you can blink.
His family has called him a cat becuse used to scratch up his car so often like a cat would scratch up the sofa.

There also ppl that have flirted whit him, he didnt mind the flirting, like when a hot lady comes up and calls you a kitty, ofc you find it nice, when a handsom guy chooses you to flirt whit you know you did somthing right in life. When an alot older man that offerd to be ur manager did it, it was no fun.

He always whore a motorcycle like helmet whit sharp cat ears on them,he got it as a gift from his cousin, so he keept it ofc.

The jacket sat tight on tommy, he whore a black shirt that went up to his throat. And baggy black pants.
Whit red sneakers.

His car was black, whit the golden cat simbol on the back, he remebers how he spray painted it on.

On instergram he has probly more then 12 million followers, the comments where mostly werid so he just didnt put up whit reading them.

They all wanted to know his secret identity, but he keept it hidden, nof waiting to be assulted in public.

His pit crew gave him a thumbs up as they went over to there station, tommy was supposed to drive in round three.

Many ppl didnt like him there, yes tommy only got the place becuse the rightfull owner had to go to a cousins wedding, but tommy was thankfull to even be allowd racing.

Ppl say hes an ameture becuse he has more fame then half of them while he hasnt even raced that much, to them he was just an instergram model, some influrencer even tho tommy only posted a few pics.

The fame wasnt what made the driving and racing fun,it was the memories, or the adrenaline. When you cross the line and can say that you win, or had a good race.

He loves car racing and that all thanks to an very famous person, not only at Car racing tho but also at singing. Tommy had a playlist full of only him. He listen to it when he worked out, when he traind for the races, when he just was making a meal.

His crew calls him a fanboy but god, can you not relate?

Tommy also got asked a lot of questions, like what his favorite color is, or if he has a cat. Also one of the questions where if he has a Spotify playlist and if he'd like to share it.

So he did.

He didnt expect many ppl to put so much attention to the lovejoy playlist do when ppl made a hassle on it he just played it off, saying he likes the music style.

Yes tommy did left a few comments on wilburs posts.

Like when he posted a photo of his new giture, tommy commented that he probly will create good songs whit that.
Ofc it got alot of attention, of wilburs and his fans, also of haters ofc but he didnt pay much mind to it.

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