Car racing Part.2

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As tommy was getting ready, sitting in his car looking at his rival tommy suddenly felt a lot more nervous then before.

The man grinned, he looks like a metal head whit a bad hair cut, tommy thinks.

The man then makes a motion, where his finger slides to the side infront of his throat.

Tommy wasnt scared, that death thread was just a joke,probly.

His fans that took barly half of the viwers benches where cheering, tommy gave a thumbs up to when asked if hes ready by the start signal handler.

So when the loud ring cane, wich signaled for tommy to start driving, tommy did. And he drove so fast that it was hard to see where he had to curve.
But his rival was also very fast.

'Ding ding diiiing'

They both went through the one could tell wich one was when they looked at the footage and it played on the big screen in slow motion, evreyone could see tommy win.

Alot of people cheerd, expacilly his crew and wilburs crew too, but when wilbur trew a glance to them they stopped.

As tommy drove back to his station, he directly got hugged by phil.

"Man im proud of you" phik said, patting tommy on the shoulder.

"HEY!" A quite loud voice rang.

The rival? Man was that guy mad.

"Seems like our loser cannot take a lose" the host called, laughing.
That just made the man more mad as he keept comming closer to tommy.

"Maby you should take that helmet off, you pussy" the man said, hands balling up in fists.

The securty ran over to them but the rival just punched the security man.

The backup helped the poor security guy up, as they where ready to arrest the man, but was alredy to close to tommy and before the mad man could punch tommy a small zap sound came and the man fell onto the floor.

Ppl didnt k ew what happend, tommy just smirked under the helmet, before spreading his hand out which showd that he had a small tazer, which apperently was able to put out an grown man.
It even had a little cat charm hanging of off it.

People started cheering, laughing and ofc booing.
But that didnt matter to tommy, bad losers just where the one thing making him more mad then anything ohter then abandond cats.

God he loves cats.

Tommy felt somone staring at him, hoping it just where to be a fan, but ofc to tommys luck it was wilbur.

And he was walking over to tommy too.

But since it was break time basiccaly all the fans where allowd to go to the stations to meet there idols, so before wilbur arrived, tons of men and women stood around tommy asking him for pictures and autographs. Tommy ofc gave the autographs whit no problem even taking some pictures, but by tommys vody language it was quite clear that he was overwhelmed and his crew couldnt help him since they where all getting the needed equipment for the next few final rounds that tommy was allowd to take part in since he won.

And as tommt tried pushing himself throigh the crowd trying to get away, a guy pulled him out and shoved him away, "sorry. He has important talking to do" the man said, making the crowd letting out sad noises but in understandment.

As they walked away, bothering ohter drivers,tommy looked at the man, wanting to thank him for saving him.

But when he looked at him-

"When i said important talking, i didnt lie black cat" wilbur said. Saying his name correct.

"What do you want" tommy scoffed, voice still to soft and in overwhelmeness.

"The final match. I just found out that it is a team driving session. And i got you as my patner." Wilbur spat, clear anger in his voice.

"Well after i just won i think youre acting a bit to mad" tommy said.

"Listen. If you fick this up for me,ill fuck your life up" wilbur warned.

"Yeah yeah fuck me bla bla bla" tommy mutterd to himself, feeling like he was in bad luck pulling wilbur from evreyone he could have as his team mate. Not that its bad to have wilbur,the fastest..yet, but tommy hates these over addituded men.

"I'll see you at our station kitty. Dont come running late, or ill make sure to let a dog chase you" wilbur said waving him off.

God how he hated these name related jokes.

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