Chapter 3: Missing

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Warning: This contains heavy topics such as self harm, kidnapping, implications of death, and more. If you are uncomfortable with this, then skip this.

It's been about 2 weeks since I saw my friends dead body. I should be over it, but I'm not. I can hear her voice screaming for me to do something. She's repeating the same words over and over again to hope of a different result. I keep hearing her voice over and over. 

I begged my parents to wake up and just hear what I hear, but it's no use.

This, naturally, would take a toll onto my mental health and would make me feel scared. My therapy lessons were not helping at all with my situation. 

I was slowly going somewhere I had described to my therapist that one day. I didn't know where, but I was going.

"Tell me, what kind of 'going somewhere' would you describe it?" she had asked. I didn't respond. It isn't my fault really it's a question that I didn't and couldn't answer. 

It felt like a "why does this exist" question when you question why it exists. Expect I had known the answer to that. It's more different. It's a more compelling question. I told her I couldn't answer, but she kept pestering me for something. I can't handle it anymore. 

The next session, I had already known her fate. It's a problem I had with therapists and this wasn't different. It's repeated over and over again throughout the course of a few days. Naturally, they took drastic measures now. Due to my insomnia of my friends spirit and my other behavior, they've started to bring in more police officers to my home now.

They have to check every bag and every piece of merchandise that I would have in my cave.  

I didn't know how this would help, but I accepted it.

- - - 

"It was you wasn't it?" Evan Goldberg was asking me. Yes I refer to my classmates by their last names. I had no idea what he was talking about. What do you mean? As a normal person would ask. "Playing victim I see," he responded.

What the hell did this kid mean?

Leave me be. I have nothing to do with you.

With what I said, I walked away from him. But curiosity captured me. If I do assume that he's talking about the rotting corpse that is my friend, then there are way more loopholes. Did he see me there? Well he should since the police sirens were here and police were advising kids to go home, but he doesn't know about me and my friendship. He barely knows me at all. Why start a conversation then? Drama perhaps?

"Don't walk away kidnapper." the voice said. It's him again.

Why accuse me of such thing? 

"Don't play dumb. After she died you had loved death so much that you decided to kidnap girls and kill them." I forgot he was so annoying. I wish many horrible fates. Thinking about what he said logically, (slow down time) while it is possible for me to resort to that, I've been trying to control myself now and I haven't done a reckless act in about a year. . And why would I resort to kidnapping? 

I'd usually let myself do it rather than leave. (Bring back time)

Girls? I kidnapped girls?

"Yes! Are you deaf? Just admit it already!" 

Now that's a new thing. Deaf. Great comeback, but the kidnapping has caught me by the hook. Now I'm interested. 

Where did you hear this anyways? 

"Why would you wanna know? You should know." I can hear his voice becoming less enthusiastic. Just the gem that I was looking for. He seems so hesitant now than he was a few seconds before. I guess when you don't have a good track record you can be afraid. This is good actually. He'll be willing to give me the info I need with that fear. 

Tell me where you heard this now. Emphasis on now.

"Figure it out yourself okay? You kidnapper!" He then runs away looking terrified. Huh weird. I'd expect flailing arms out with a saddened howl like Scoobs did.  Oh well, life isn't a cartoon. I'll never know what it truly is. I walk away to go to my locker immediately. While there I passed the crime scene. My feelings for it have risen, so that must be a sign.

I quickly open a little bag to quickly eat them. If the school finds out I'm doing this, then they'll get my ass onto me. I don't want to end up getting home-schooled by my parents again. That feels nice though as those voices of what I presume guilt float away a bit. Although it is still hearable. 

Okay time to crack the case.

- - -

I checked through my schools news reports and a page with faces being distorted. I thought it would work. I blink my eyes for a bit and they go back to normal. I can see the girls faces on them, including my friend. Oh god why was this happening to me?

I thought there would be one person out there who would finally not bully me anymore. The one person who actually heard me than what my parents or adults did. Just when I got that taste of happiness the world sucks it all away. I can't even do anything for her death. What do I do? 

I open my drawer to open my box. My safe box.

I thought I would end this habit and try to save myself from this, but it's too much.

I need this. One slice, I feel the blood dripping out. Two slice, three slice, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I remember her. I can feel her voice onto me counting the sheep while I was at her place. Oh Auntie. These same number of cuts I remember you with your method of learning. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep, five sheep, six sheep, seven sheep, eight sheep, nine sheep, and ten sheep, 

It's all too familiar. 

Just as I quickly start I quickly finish with cleaning the blood out the prize and my hands. Already do I feel my friend haunting me and standing beside me. Don't do it she says. Her repeated words haunting me and my brain. It doesn't stop.

When will it stop?

I ran over to get my bag, but I feel myself in a maze. I can't escape. The walls feel different and everything around me feel different. I can't describe it. I quickly grab the bag and ate a few of them, and just like that they were gone. I feel the aftermath burning through my skin. I need him back. I need my butler again.

He arrives sooner than expected with all the things to make me calm down.

Finally bliss is here.

Okay back to the mission at hand. What it shows is that these girls have been last seen inside the school. One dates to a few days ago and one dates to a few hours. One with a week and my friend obviously showing that she is dead saying it was 2 weeks ago with her last being seen inside the school. I check to see if there's any sort of pattern other than their "sex", but nothing seems to form. They have nothing in common other than they are girls. Okay so that's a clue. Girl are being kidnapped inside the school big whoop.

However, it is a huge coincidence that my friend had died to a tentacle monster thing, then the next these girls wound up missing. It is a huge coincidence that I am not going to avoid. But, there is a question I have.

Where's my evidence?

Clearly I can't actually make a police case with just pure coincidences that I just so happen to see. There's more evidence than that. So tomorrow, I'm going to these girls lockers to see if it has the same result as my friends.

But that means I have to wait crap.

What do I do now? I feel like I can't sleep and if I do she'll appear again.


I guess...binge through my comfort shows? Maybe that'll make me sleep. I know I can't sleep, but just this once maybe I can be able to.

I guess I'll see me tomorrow. Bye? 

Goodnight to me and that scary shadow in the corner. Yep I've seen it and I just took them, but I can't help but miss the little guy.

1415 words

By: ⭐- Arkus -⭐

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Tentacle Locker | What has it done? | Arkus Dove Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang