chapter 11

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On the  battle ground we see the others are battling the creatures back at the low ground we see The 2 taris team up with bunni and roll shooting at the monsters with arm blasters

Inkinlg Tari
BTW I love your arm

Awe You're too kind sweetie

But Just as one bear shape like creature was about to pounce on roll shadow started blasting them with a laser gun

Who gave shadow a gun 🔫

Less talking more shooting

Shadow then saw Proto flying threw him then jumped to on top of him and started attacking more monsters from the high air we saw other see others fight together with weapons and zelda keep summoning more guards to help aid in the battle while others make small talk

Other luigi
So I have a daughter

According to Sonic yea

Other luigi
And that's her

[Pointing at rose whis fightingwith Bowie]

Luigi nodding his head

Other luigi

And our son

Other luigi points to Shawn and percy who threw a splat bomb at some monsters in thr air while using a vacuum on them

Other luigi
They learn that from their mom

Luigi almost started crying seeing how well his kids are


The 2 Luigi's heard the warning and started running then suddenly a rhino shape like momster with 7 horns started chasing towards them when suddenly Manixx came out and hit the mknsyer with his metal hammer hardly doing any damages but did break one of its horns it then started laying eyes on bryne and Adam it then starred at it with a furious grin

Alright you ugly bastard let's see what you got

He then took a shield out of his pocket

Rotor and stixx then join them

Your gonna need some more bronzes mate

And some brains if we're gonna stop that him

How do you know its a gut

Bent your head and turn right

The 3 then did as she says and saw it 🍌

You heard the lady LETS DO THIS

And on the other side of the battlefield we then see 2 werewolf like creatures being ambush by Bowie and rose working together Rose then saw the 2 Luigi's then walked towards them

H....hi...da- luigi

Hello..... rose

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