Chapter 2: The Long Distance

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The train ride well... let's just say most of the passengers felt extremely uncomfortable.

" ugh! This is uneatable! This food is I'm sorry to say it gosh darn terrible!" Bok Bok said, disgusted by what passes to being served as food to passengers.

" it's god awful if you ask me! Where are the collard greens? And the corn? This doesn't even taste like real chicken!" Cutie complained, as the train attendants were trying to calm her and her giant chicken down.

" what are you two going on about?" Jaina asked confused. Thinking they should be grateful they have food. As in the world they live in resources are so scarce there isn't enough for everyone.

" you two should be happy we have something to eat" Valeera commented, as she hasn't eaten for days. For once happy she doesn't need to kill people on a daily basis for sustenance.

" now what are you two going on about? Y'all never eaten anything decent in your lives?" Cutie said, putting her hands on her hips.

" of course we have." Jaina said, hearing Cutie say " tell me" wanting to know what it was. " mana biscuits" thinking that mana biscuits in Hearthstone is literally one of the best foods ever created.

" biscuits? What about the real hearty foods?" Bok Bok asked, hearing Valeera say " Gurubashi offering" making both Cutie and Bok Bok say " huh? What's that?" As Valeera explained the card where when it's played it's just some kind of fruit bowl but than on the next turn if it isn't destroyed by your opponent it gives you 8 armor.

" bless y'all hearts" Cutie said, than whispered to Bok Bok " I don't think they ever ate anything" as Bok Bok nodded sadly saying " yeah, I feel really sad for them"

Cutie: " I know! Once this whole event is over why don't you two come down to my farm? I'll cook y'all up some real nice food!" Thinking that it's the least she could do since they're they're new friends. And a full belly never hurt anyone.

" your rainbow and sunshine worlds seems like a fairy tale dream come true but I think me and Valeera need to get back to our world to the war before-" Jaina was cut off by Valeera saying " don't be rude Jaina. Let's go to their world I really wanna see it. No wars? No lying? No death? No sadness? No evil? No corruption or greed? I want to see it." Wondering if all of this is true. Thinking how can there be a world like that?

Jaina sighed and said " fine." Deciding perhaps they should see it not just for their interest but it could also be beneficial to see how their society works so maybe they can implement some of it into their world.

" great!" Cutie said, super joyful she's having guests over.

" but if you say no deaths than what about the chicken? You have to kill them don't you?" Jaina said, as she got nudged by Valeera to knock it off.

" oh when you pick em up they just turn into a cooked meal." Cutie explained, making Jaina and Valeera look dumbfounded like it'll take them a thousand years to process that information.

" we'd say the same about visiting where you two live but uh... it don't seem very friendly..." Bok Bok commented. Not wanting to go to Jaina's and Valeera's world.

" it's best not to, you two would probably die the second you run into someone." Valeera spoke, as Jaina nudged her to be polite. Although Jaina totally agreed that would be probably what would happen.

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