Chapter 3: Need I Say More?

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Time skipping! So they've already went to the White House talked to the president which Valeera almost mistakenly killed for being the great evil. Although some could say they are.

Currently our crew is being held (or roomed the president would like to call it) somewhere in the White House. As he told them that they'll discuss this further but right now they should get comfortable.

" let's barter" Valeera said, holding a knife to a guards neck.

Jaina: " Valeera that's not fair" thinking that guy doesn't benefit from the deal.

" yes it is. Your life for the key to this room." Valeera said, making Jaina say " oh, nevermind that's fair"

" gosh you guys, why don't you just politely ask? We aren't prisoners are we?" Cutie said, thinking if what the president said were true than they're guests and they get to go anywhere or do anything.

" why are you in rush such a rush anyway?" Bok Bok asked, thinking they just got here.

" I saw this propaganda poster, I thought I'd make myself useful in this society" Valeera said, wanting to get a job to try and help.

" wow" Jaina said, impressed. Thinking she really has changed.

" now don't get all sentimental on me. I'm only doing this to help out." Valeera said, thinking they need to do all they can before the great evil appears. Whenever that be.

Valeera: " also I'm bored. I can't sit around all day doing nothing."

" I think that's a great idea!" Cutie said, agreeing.

" hey they talked about doing a press conference using one of us I think he wanted you. Hey! If you do it your like a movie star! You should be our group representative!" Bok Bok said, thinking Cutie would make a good role model.

" really? You think so? Aww shucks" Cutie said, embarrassed but also deciding to do it because she seems like she can represent the group in a good light compared to some group members...

" I'm not sure if Cutie should-" Jaina was cut off by Cutie saying " girl if you wanna steal my show it ain't happening" going to be the group representative. Jaina felt offended and was totally gonna eliminate Cutie until Valeera stopped her saying " as much as I'd agree that you'd make a better leader than her, she seems to fit the mold of what they want" telling Jaina maybe using Cutie is better.

" oh so your on her side?" Jaina said, upset.

" I'm not on anyone's side. Remember? I don't choose." Valeera said, as Jaina scoffed and said " seems to me like you do" as Valeera scoffed than said " why don't you just let Cutie do it, in the meanwhile you can discover more about this place and whatever the great evil is. I think that's more important than giving small speeches and answering idiotic questions." telling Jaina she has more pressing matters and all she thinks Cutie is gonna do is fool around and waste time but keep the masses of idiots happy and occupied.

Valeera was working at Beyond Baths and Beds (get it?) as a clerk. And her first day on the job well....

" do you have the card?" Valeera asked, promoting what the manager saids is the store card for discounts.

" no." The woman said. Just wanting to buy some shampoos.

" you should get the card" Valeera said, seeing her pay cash.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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