Prologue: Imaginary

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"Ayato....we have something to tell you." My mother says sweetly as I enter the room.

My father is standing behind her, so I assume it's important.

"Yes mother, I am listening." I say.

Mother looks up at father for a second with a smile.

Then she looks back at me.

"'re going to be getting a little sister."


I still remember the day Ayaka was born.

In fact, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Despite being the only son of a prominent and wealthy family in Inazuma, I did not resent her for taking my spotlight.

The moment I was allowed to hold my baby sister in my arms, my heart swore an oath to protect her, even at the cost of my life.

My perfect little sister...

It was almost as if the heavens themselves opened up to give our family an angel in the guise of a human.

I do not consider myself to be a good big brother, but I do try my best.

I will protect those I care about with all my power.

And that very outlook of mine is what caused so many people to die.

Including myself.


They say the only ones allowed to judge others are saints; those pure of spirit.
Everyone else must accept that they are going to be judged.

What exactly is good and evil?
What makes someone good?
Defending innocent people?
If someone does something considered bad by the public eye but with the best intentions, is it really evil?

I think now I can say I know the answer.

The titles of good and evil comes from the judgment of the public.

Do you not believe me?

Then I'll tell you my story.

You'll understand.


You haven't exactly given me a reason to believe you.

I don't want to get myself into any more shit.

I did only just return to reality, after all.


And how's your mental sanity?


Don't be a smartass.

I'm somewhat of a scholar myself, and I can say this for sure.

What you're trying to do is impossible.

It'll never work.


I can't just not try.

It's for my sister.


I had a sister once too.

Wanna know what happened to her?


Let me guess.

She died.



I only wish she did.

She was tortured at the hands of truly evil people.

When she was returned to us, any sanity she once had was gone.

She was only ten.

Care to guess exactly who kidnapped her?

Care to guess exactly who had such an interest in the minds of children?


Don't tell me...



The Shogun.

Raiden Shogun.


This is why I need your help.

If we use both our factions, we can successfully pull off a raid and end the Shogun.

I'd gladly sacrifice my life for that cause.


I can't write to you for two weeks.

Something's happening and I won't have access to Thoma, my messenger.

Please help me.

I'll do anything.


I'm still not convinced.

But, take your two weeks to write me your story.

If it's any good...

Then I'll consider helping you.


Thank you.


Now I wont bore you with the story of what happened with my father and I getting word about the Shogun's request.

So in that case..

It all started five years ago...



Another Shadow (Thomato)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz