Part Two: Kujou and Kamisato

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I wake up the next morning to someone banging aggressively on my door.

That can't be Thoma, as I feel he's too polite to bang on anyone's door.

It must be one of the Shogun's employees.

I cover my eyes with my arm and groan.

"Kamisato! Wake the hell up!" A voice shouts.

I sigh, jump off the bed, and fling the door open.

"How about you shut the hell up?" I ask, angry at this person.

The man at the door scoffs.

"The Shogun says it's time for you to get up. Don't get smart with me, young man." He says.

"You'd rather I be dumb with you?" I ask innocently.

The man looks like he wants to hit me across the face but he just says nothing and walks away.

Once he disappears, I sigh and lean against the doorframe, still feeling quite tired.

"Ayato-san!" A cheerful voice says.

I look over to see Thoma running towards me, holding something in his arms.

He grabs my arm and pulls me inside my room again.

He locks the door and turns towards me, a wide smile across his face.

"What's this about?" I ask.

"Your family is fast. I got a return letter!" Thoma says cheerfully.

He hands me an envelope and I almost start to cry.

I sit down on the bed and open it.


Dear big brother Ayato.

The brown haired man gave me you're letter.

I didnt really understand it, but I hope thats okay.

Since mama and daddy are on a business trip until later today, I put in on daddy's desk so he can read it when he gets home.

I really miss you and hope you can come home soon.

Ill do my best to convince mama and daddy to come get you becayaes it's not fun begin alone all the time.

The maid are here too, but your more fun than them.

I miss you and send my love too



I smile at Ayaka's letter.

If anyone can convince the Yashiro Commissioner and his wife to do anything, it's Ayaka.

"I hope that smile means something good came of that letter?" Thoma asks.

I nod.

"My little sister is going to convince my parents to come get me. If anyone can convince them, it's her." I say.

"That's good." Thoma says.

I look up at him.

"Do you want to come too?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Thoma asks.

"My parents could get you out too. They could probably get Akira-san out too." I say.

"I don't need any escape route, my life here isn't that bad. I just clean things. But definitely help Akira-sama." Thoma says.

"One day you'll need an escape route." I say. "The Shogun could begin using you faster than you could react to. You need to get out while you can."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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