Part One: The Resurgence

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I do not know how long I have been here.

All I know is that I have to get out as soon as possible.

This isn't what they told me it would be.

When I first arrived at the Shogun Manor, I knew something was off.

I'd begged my father to take me back home but he refused, patting my head and painting it off as an honor to be chosen by the Shogun and that he and mother would visit me soon.

And yet...

They haven't.

I wan-


My hand hovers above my notebook as tears stream down my cheeks and drip onto the paper.

"I want to go home." I whisper.

I want to go home.

I know it's been a very long time and yet mother and father have not come to visit me yet.

Perhaps the Shogun won't let them so she can hide the truth about what's going on here

I wonder what lies she's telling mother and father about me to cause them to not force the Shogun to let them visit me.

I hate this place.

I am aware that hate is a strong word, but the evil from this place is even stronger.

I brandish my pen and return to my notebook.



I need to get out of here.

Even if I have to break a window and run away into the night.

I need to get out.

I want to go home.


"I want to go home too." A voice says.

I whip my head around to see a blond haired boy with green eyes sitting on the edge of the bed I'm lying on.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" I ask.

"My name's Thoma. I got in here because I'm the Shogun's housekeeper. I have the keys to most rooms. I'm sorry sir, but I need to clean up your room. It's my job." The blond says with a small bow of his head.

"Are you... getting paid to work here?" I ask.

"N-no. But to be honest, I'm allowed to reside here and I'm given food to eat, so I don't need anything else." Thoma says.

"Hmph. If my father had employed you, you'd be payed ten times more than the average. My family believes that everyone deserves to be paid what they're worth." I say.

"You...think I'm worth a lot?" Thoma asks.

"With that kind of attitude? You apparently clean up icky things to ensure security of your life. You're like a saint." I say.

"Um, sir? That's...that's usually how an occupation works." Thoma says.

"Whatever. Just go home then, if you want to. You're not being kept me." I say.

"I'll tell you what. If you want to write a letter to your parents, I'll make sure it gets to them. Okay?" Thoma says.

I stare at him.

"Will you really?" I ask.

Thoma nods.

"I'm going to go now and come back to your room later. Can you get it to me then?" Thoma asks.

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