Chapter 24

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"IT WAS HER." Ward nodded. "That was her right? That was Sarah."

"It was her. Yeah." Rafe began to rub his forehead annoyed with his father.

"She's alive." Ward said taking a breath  afterwards.

"Yeah no shit." Olivia paused. "She also just helped ambush us and steal the gold! Or did you forget about that part?"

Ward ignored her which caused her to scoff. "I don't know what the hell you were doing though. Shooting a gun right at her. Just lucky you didn't hit her."

"I did." Rafe said speaking up.


"I hit her."

"You shot Sarah?"

"John B had a fucking gun to Olivia's head okay? I was trying to shoot him. It's not my fault she stepped in the way."

Ward looked down in disbelief shaking his head.

"Olivia comes first okay? And John B was going to shoot her-"

"Is she okay?" Ward asked turning to Olivia who shrugged.

"I didn't mean to shoot her."

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry." Ward spoke to his son.

"But I don't care that I did." Wards head snapped towards Rafe at his words.

"What did you say?"

Rafe shrugged his shoulders.

"Rafe that is your sister, okay?"

"My sister?" Rafe paused. "The one who just stole from us? The one who didn't do anything when her boyfriend was pointing a gun that was about to shoot Olivia?"

"You need to shut your mouth."

"She's gonna kill our family, you realize that?" Rafe quieted down as a police officer walked into the room they were waiting in.

"Sorry for the wait. We got a photo from a tourist. Can you verify?"

Ward took the phone that had the photo.

Sighing lightly. "That's my Sarah. She was kidnapped and brainwashed by him." He paused hearing Olivia behind him who faintly scoffed.

"He's a very disturbed individual he's very dangerous and you can see she's hurt." Ward looked towards Rafe. "Can you please find them for me?"

"We got the plates on the truck. We got photos. We'll get them and your stolen property."

Rafe picked up a glass of water. "We'll get them."


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THE LIST ♡ RAFE CAMERON Where stories live. Discover now