21. You guys break up

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(Imma do a part two where y'all get back together)

Darry: You guys were fighting about him working all the time and never spending any time with you. 

"Darry! I just want to see you more often! Is it too much to ask to see my boyfriend sometimes?" you shouted in his face. You missed seeing him because when you did he was tired and irritable from working all day.

"I actually have responsibilities, Y/N! I have to support my brothers, I'm sorry but you're not my biggest priority, sue me!" he screamed back. You knew he was tired but it still hurt your feelings to hear his words. Tears brimmed your eyes and threatened to spill over.

"Well you're my biggest priority," you murmured, a few tears spilling over. Darry looked at you with pure anger and annoyance, not his usual look filled with love.

"I can't afford to deal with your bullshit, Y/N. Get out," he shouted. You felt your heart shatter. You grabbed your jacket off of the couch and opened the door. You stood in the doorway and turned on your heel to face him. 

"Fine, be like that! We're done!" you screamed, and with that, you slammed the door. You began to stomp home in the rain with tears staining your face.


Steve: You and Steve were fighting because he spent all of his time with Soda and practically ignored you.

"Steve, I'm your girlfriend! Soda is only your friend! Why do you care about him more than me?" you yelled in his face. You felt like he didn't care about you anymore. 

"BROS BEFORE HOES! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE, A HOE!" he screamed at you. Tears fell down your cheeks in waterfalls of emotion. You couldn't believe that he called you a whore. That insult cut you like a knife. You angrily wiped your tears and glared at him.

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME A WHORE?" you screamed back, red tainting your vision, "WE'RE DONE! FUCK YOU STEVE!" you shouted with finality. You stormed out of the house and slammed the door. As soon as you left you broke down again. God dammit.


Two-Bit: You guys were fighting about how much he drank. You were getting really worried and just wanted him to cut back a little. He didn't take it so well.

"Keith, I care about you, I just want you to stay safe. That's all I ask!" you shouted at him. You couldn't believe he was blowing up at you for this.

"What I do is none of your fucking business!" he yelled. That infuriated you. You were one of the few people that cared about him, obviously, it is your business.

"It is my business, I'm your girlfriend!" you shouted at him. He looked at you with a mean look in his eye. I could tell he was going to say something awful.

"Not anymore, leave," he said with venom in his voice.

"What?" you asked, shock lacing your voice.

"I said you're not my girlfriend anymore. Leave," he said, deadly serious. You sat there, mouth agape. Finally, you closed your mouth and marched out of the house. You ran home to your room and started crying.


Johnny: You were in an argument because he never stood up for himself and upset you to see him get hurt. 

"Johnny it makes me so sad when you let yourself get walked all over. I just want you to stick up for yourself," you explained starting to get angry. You didn't know why he was fighting you on this. 

"I'm just trying to avoid getting beat up, Y/N," he explained carefully. You could tell that he was getting a little bit mad. 

"Just be a man and stick up for yourself," you argued back. All you wanted was for him to stay safe. Suddenly, Johnny looked down and his voice got sad.

"Y/N, I think we need to take a break," he said softly.

"What?" you asked, praying you had heard him wrong. 

"We need a break, please," he practically begged. You nodded and turned around trying to hide your tears. As you walked away you started to softly sob.


Soda: You and Soda fought about him dropping out of school quite a lot, but this one was a particularly nasty fight.

"You're not my mom, stop telling me what's best for me" Soda shouted at you, his voice shooting up multiple octaves.

"I'm not trying to be, I just think it was stupid for you to drop out because now you'll never get a good job!" you yelled back, you only wanted him to be happy with his life.

"I dropped out because I'm dumb!" he yelled again, it was stupid that was his only argument.

"You're not dumb," you yelled, it pissed you off when he degraded himself.

"I was obviously dumb to date you!" he screamed in your face. Tears cascaded down your face as you ran out the door. You can't believe he would say something like that.


Pony: He had been spending a suspicious amount of time with Cherry Valence and it made you uncomfortable, however, this was the first time you'd fought about it. 

"Pony please," you begged him, "you know I get insecure when you spend that much time with her!"

"I don't really care!" he shouted in your face. Cherry was older than you and very pretty so it always made you feel unworthy when Pony spent time with her.

"Well, obviously I do! Why can't I be good enough for you?" you cried. He was really hurting you by saying all these things.

"You're not good enough, that's the point!" he screamed. You felt your heart stop, had he really just said that?

"Fine, I guess I leave then," you sobbed and headed out the door.


Dally: To absolutely no one's surprise, Dallas had cheated on you. Again. 

"Why? Why would you do that?" you screamed at him, sobbing.

"She's hotter than you. Bigger tits, nice ass," he slurred, laughing. He was drunk. You felt like you were suffocating, sobs blocking your airway. 

"Dallas, I told you I would leave you if this happened again," you cried, you genuinely thought he would change.

"Do it then! I don't want you!" he shouted, he reeked of alcohol. You thought you might see a hint of regret in his eyes, but nothing. His eyes were cold and merciless. 

"Fine," you cried, "I hope I never see you again!" You turned and ran out the door of his room. You took the stairs two at a time, trying to get away from his hurtful words.

"Bye, you crazy whore!" he shouted out after you, laughing.

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