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I looked up from my text book as I heard my phone vibrate on my bedside table. I stood up and walked to my built in bed. I picked up my phone from my bed side table and smiled as I saw it was a sms from my long-term boyfriend, Patrick Lambie. He lived on the other side of the country, in Durban, because he played for the Sharks and I lived in Cape Town, studying in Stellenbosch. We're both South Africans and we're both rugby crazy. Well, obviously he was, since he is actually a rugby player. My dad has only just forgiven me for dating a Shark because our family is avid followers of the Blue Bulls, the arch nemesis of the Sharks.

'I'm coming over. That okay? xxx' I smiled at my phone but then I groaned as I realized that I haven't finished studying for my final exam to finally get my law degree.

'Yeah sure, but just for a bit. I have to study for my final tomorrow. xxx' I replied and quickly sat my phone down so that I could at least finish this chapter. After an half an hour, I heard his Audi's car hoot. I grinned, and pressed the button so that the electric gate opened. I walked to my balcony and opened my sliding door. He ran up the stairs and he enveloped me in a huge hug.

"Hey love." He said softly, his face buried in my hair. I could hear the big smile on his face and I could feel the excitement coursing through his built body.

"Hey. I'm so glad your back." I grinned up at him and he kissed me softly. 

Then as it became heated, he pushed me into my room, shut the door with his foot, never stopping the kiss. He pushed me onto my bed and as he straddled me, still kissing me softly. But I pushed him off me and he laid next to me, as I leaned on my elbow, looking down on him.

"Why are you in a suit? Not that I'm complaining. I love a man in a uniform." I winked. The whole bed vibrated with his laughter.

"I had a meeting today in Cape Town. And I have big news." He grinned at me and I stuck out my tongue as he pulled a funny face at my curious one.

"Do tell?" I looked at him, and he shook his head.

"I want to go celebrate tonight, then, I will certainly tell you." He smiled at me and then I groaned. I collapsed next to him and he pulled himself up and looked at me questionably.

"I wish I could babe, but I have to study for my final tomorrow. I'm graduating Wednesday." I stated, excited to finally finish university. He grinned and kissed me softly.

"I can't wait till I have you all to myself, no more studying, no more textbooks and no more court cases." I laughed as he said this. Yes, my studying has taken over my life, but Law really needs you to do that.

"How about we go party on Thursday?" he looked at me and I nodded, smiling. 

I then stood up and sat down by my desk. I started reading my last chapter and he came up behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder. I couldn't concentrate as he started caressing my arms softly. His touch always had this electric current that I couldn't resist. I felt needed and I knew he needed me.

"Lief, I need to study," I sighed and pushed him away. "Go say hi to the little devil." 

I mentioned my little brother with a smirk. He smirked as well, kissed me and opened my door to go chill with my family. I returned back to my book and before I knew it, about 3 hours had passed and I was finished with my last chapter. I sighed, stretched and stood up, relaxing my muscles. I then walked down my spiral staircase, my nose following the scent of food. My whole family including my boyfriend were busy eating steak and chips. I grabbed a plate and sat down next to Patrick.

"Finished?" my dad asked, and I nodded. I quickly dished up food for myself, and dug into it.

"You can never be finished studying." My mother pursed her lips and I laughed. She has said that since I was in high school.

For the Love of Football  [Fernando Torres]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora