The addams family book 1,chapter 1

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Esmeray slavic...that's my name and what a chaotic,dark life i have,just the way i like it.Today marks the thirteenth day since i've been living with the addams family.

Thirteen it's such a nice number....anyway,mother and father are on a very important business trip to the wonderful school of outcasts and teenage species living in harmony,nevermore academy,mother says her bestfriend is the shapeshifting headmistress and she and father might stay there and perhaps take up the job of teaching to protect the school from the various 'activties',that's been spiking at the school for reasons i not yet quite understand,but anyway that's a story for another time....

The addams family,mother and father's childhood and marvelous friends to this day,although i hadn't seen them much before i moved in,i've heard how my parents talk so much about them and how lovely they are and i have to say i do admire their way of life,it's

It was the time of pure white snow and singing carolers,in fact...they were right outside the doors

Fa la la,Fa la la,la la la

Deck the halls with bells of holly,Fa la la la la,la la la la

Tis the season to be jolly,Fa la la la la,la la la la

Don we now our gay apparel,Fa la la la la,la la la la

hoo ooh ooh ooh oh oh oh oh

fa la la,fa la la,fa la la la la,la la la la

At the very top of the Addams Residence,Esmeray along with wednesday and pugsley laid on the cold hard concrete peering over at the singing carolers from above,while grandmama and lurch stood side by side a cauldron holding onto it ready to tilt it's content at any moment,deer mortica and gomez stood together,holding hands a few meters beside lurch,as gomez and mortica looked at eachother,grandmama and lurch let out a short smile as they looked down,gomez proceeded to place a gentle kiss on mortica's beautiful,pale hand before the couple smiled at eachother and looked down also...

when the cauldron tilted down,a mix of dark goo and ooze rained down,the carolers' screams could be heard throughout the neighbourhood accompanied with the howls of laughter from the onlooking bunch....what fun....

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