chapter 2

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Thing jumped off the small table decorated in cobwebs,it was as gloomy as ever as lurch had just finished dusting it,the pitter-patter of thing's fingers sounded throughout the halls as he 'ran',pass the first door and side corridors,he rushed through,pass the feet of gomez his first master in silk pajama pants,a night cap and a robe tied at the waist,the robe reached a few inches below his knees,

thing came to an abrupt stop making his way back to the door where gomez stood,fester's old bedroom,ancient,dusty and cobwebbed.

''Think about it thing,for 25 years we've attempted to contact fester in the great beyond,and for 25 years......nothing.''Gomez said while huffing,his mind was conflicted.

''i'm beginning to think my brother truly is lost'',sad he continued to say as thing hurriedly grabbed gomez's pant tugging for him to follow along.Looking at thing,gomez left from the door of fester's room.


In pugsley's room

Esmeray sat with salem on her lap,petting his head as she read through her spell book which rested on her lap.


''Don't be a baby '',Wednesday said to his younger brother

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''Don't be a baby '',Wednesday said to his younger brother.

''i know what i'm doing',he continued as he shot an arrow from a crossbow straight at pugsley who had been tied up with a rope and stuffed in the mouth was an apple.


Gomez came down one set of stairs and up the other with thing following from not too far behind.

''Look at her,''Gomez said to thing,as he watched mortica sleep,admiring her beauty,''i would die for her,i would kill for her,either way what bliss'',he continued.

''unhappy darling?'',Gomez asked as he stared lovingly at mortica who kept her eyes closed,mortica,a beautiful woman,pale complexion with long eyelashes and hair as dark as night,her red lipstick and nails only enhanced her beauty more.

''oh yes,yes completely'',she said as she opened her eyes.

Making gomez smile showing his slightly sharp white teeth,taking off his night cap he walked toward his love,mortica smiled showing her prominant cheekbones,

''gomez.sun.'',she said as she hissed.

''ll me perce comme un poignard'',she spoke fluently the french language.

''Oh Tish,that's french'',Gomez sighed in a daze.


''Cara mia'',Gomez rolled his tongue as he whispered,grabbing her hand to place passionate kisses upon.

He turned from the bed and grabbed a fencing sword.''En garde,monsieur solei'',He spoke using his sword to close the blinds before he turned back to his lovely wife with a smile on his face.



''Last night you were..unhinged.You were like some desperate howling demon,you frightened me.Do it again.Mortica breathed out suggesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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