DRABBLE #8 (Sasha x Reader)

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Heyyyy everyone!

This is just a lil thing that I came up with after a comment from p3rsY_ (I came back to this later than I should've and I can't remember where the original comment was, so if I was supposed to add anything else other than what I wrote here a while ago, I'm sorry)

This takes place a little while after Amphibia, but definitely not more than a few months after.

It's titled "Sushi"



Sasha looked up from her phone on the couch, turning to the door after hearing her partner's shout. They came inside moments ago, carrying a plastic Publix bag (I live in a place where Publix is popular, idk if it's like that everywhere else).

"Hey, N/n!" Sasha waved, raising a brow at the bag. "Whatcha' got there?"

Y/n put away their key to the house (Having received an extra from Sasha earlier in their relationship since her parents weren't really home most of the time) and moved over to plop onto the sofa beside her. "I got something special for us for lunch! I know you were sad when our double date with Anne and Marcy was canceled, so I made a quick run to the Publix a couple blocks down."

"Aw, you didn't have to do that, babes, but thanks. Now what's in the bag?"

"Sushi!" Y/n pulled out the box -trays of sushi and sets them on the coffee table in front of them. "I know it's not super fancy like a real restaurant's, but Publix sushi is still really good."

"Oh, that looks good! It's been FOREVER since we've had sushi. We never got any after Amphibia to celebrate." Sasha sat up and grinned at her partner.

"Well, here it is! Dig in!" Y/n pulled out chopsticks and soy sauce, setting them next to the dishes before opening the tray lids.

They savored each roll; enjoying the sticky rice, freshly sliced fish, spicy wasabi, salty soy sauce, and every other item added to the rolls. It had been months and months since their last taste of sushi, way before they'd even travelled to Amphibia.

By the time they were done, all the trays had been emptied other than a dot of soy sauce or clump of wasabi left over.

"That was the best Publix sushi I've ever had." Sasha sighed in content, sinking back into the couch.

"Totally not biased by your lack of sushi up until this point." Y/n rolled their eyes.

"Totally not." Sasha smiled, gently tugging them closer until they were resting on her lap and chest.

"I'd say this is a very nice lunch. The snuggles are a part of my special lunch package, huh?"

"Oh, that's right! Thank you for reminding me, now pay up that extra fee. These cuddles aren't free y'know."

Y/n hit Sasha's shoulder softly, shaking their head with a smirk that matched hers. "Yeah, alright. I'll give you tip at least, despite me bringing this to you." They popped up a bit higher to give her a peck on the lips, then slid back down to lay against her chest again.

"I suppose that counts." Sasha laughed, wrapping her arms around them.

"It better, Sushi." Y/n reached up to boop her nose.

"Sushi?" Sasha retaliated and booped her back. "I thought I was Sashimi? You know those aren't the same, right?"

"Yes and I declare that you're both. Screw the rules!" Y/n stuck their tongue out at her.

"Well, I can't argue with that, can I, N/n?"

They beamed, burying their face in the crook of their lover's neck and settling into a more comfortable position. "No you cannot, Sushi."

For the rest of the afternoon, they lounged on the couch. Watching TV, playing video games, reading, on their phones, but they stayed snuggled up together with the closed and empty sushi trays on the table.


Okay ppl! That's was a fun and quick thing to write! Super cheesy and fluffy.

Hope y'all enjoyed, and thank you EVERYONE for all the support you have for this book, I saw the 35K reads today!!

I'm still working on requests, but I don't have too much time now that I've entered the last few weeks of school and I'm trying to cram in every bit of extra credit to pass, not to mention taking the actual exams at the end of the year. I actually have one tomorrow (Tho I guess today since it's past midnight) but screw the already messed up sleep schedule! XD

In all seriousness though, I'm sorry for disappearing and seemingly ignoring requests, but I might not be officially back until summertime for me.

Hope everyone's having a great day/night!

Love yourself & others and always be kind! Byeeeeee!


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