I've noticed

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Okay so, as many of you might, possibly, a little bit be able to tell from the username I'm part of the Fall Out Boy fandom as well as Bandom (Panic!, MCR etc) and by being in this very large fan base I've discovered a couple of things.

Some things good, for example, we're all quite tight knit and creative and we're very supportive of the bands we like and we tend to be very welcoming to new comers.

However, I've also noticed a lot of prejudices held for people in different groups and it's kind of been grinding my gears over the years (that rhyme was accidental). 

I would just like to say that good people that you may really get on with listen to pop groups and bands like One Direction, so please, get off your fricking high horse. I'm friends with lots of directioners and they are awesome, crazy people, I'm friends with people who listen to K-pop and J-pop and they're amazing humans and they shouldn't be put down and slandered across the internet because they enjoy a different genre of music to you. I have seen so much hate in the years I've spent on fan fiction sites and bandom forums, this doesn't have to be a war! 

So please, stop assuming that anyone who listens to pop is a stupid bitch and calm down a little bit. The internet is a happy place! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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