Hopeless Fool

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War was my life
War was the place I lived in
War was all that surrounded me

No one could help you
Fight for what you have
Hold onto what you have with your life
Once it's gone it's gone

Now the War is over
I fresh start I have
But it's so new
I don't trust anything

I need help
Because I'm scared
I don't know this place
I dont know if anyone will hurt me

I see you
So soulless
I think it's safe
I hold your hand to feel safe

Who knew I'd get attach like I did in war
You were my water
Cooling and calming me when in stress
My shelter that I felt safe in

No one could hurt me
In cold winters
You would hug me
To make sure I don't freeze to death

It was just you and me
You were my everything
Now you just leave for a moment
I hate this feeling

Are you coming back?
Please don't leave me.
I'm really scared.
I'll die without you.

I hate how I live with fear
Why couldn't I start fresh
Everyday I wake up
Fearing I could loose everything

Everything right that moment
And never be able to live again
Never feel warm again even in summer
Never smile whenever I see your name

Now you're gone.
It's a slow dying burn.
It's not as intense but it's long
I think about you everyday.

Now that I've moved on
Yes, no hug still feels as warm
But now I have no one
But the ones around me

So I always need to be near them
Fearing they'll disappear
Just like you did
A constant fear every second I breathe

A normal life I'll never live
Fear will always leach onto me
I will hold onto everyone
With everything because of War and You

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