Whats wrong with me?

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Is it you?
You the one I'm crying about?
Or something else?
Someone please tell me

These tears flowing down my face,
What caused them
Why do I feel sad?
I don't understand

Is it because you don't reciprocate my feelings
Or is it because I lost my plant that always sat on my shoulder

I'm just a mountain
That feels the sea grow onto my feet
Then leave again
Like my plants and rocks

A mountain without thoughts
But somehow still cries,
Still cry without the help of rain.
I don't understand why

I lose my plants,
But never cry then

But why do I cry now
So much is gone now
But the ocean still grows on me
And the winds still breathes on me

Life still moves on like normal
But why do I feel so stuck
Stuck like the mountain I am
Stuck my with my emotions

Emotions I don't understand
Emotions that came from nowhere
Is it a meteorite that hit me
And now just opened my eyes

Or did it make me wake up
Wake up and see all my pains
Make me feel like a bad mountain
A mountain that can't provide.

Can't provide a good environment
The mountain with the title,
Most unsafe mountain.

For once I had a plant on my shoulder
For 2 years.
Even though my shoulders were shaky
It still survived and smiled

I couldn't give it proper water
Proper soil
A proper environment
One it deserved.

Couldn't keep my rocks
Because of how much I shaked
How much I threw them down
How sensitive I was to them

They all cared for me
My plants,
My rocks,
All of them

I don't understand
I'm just a mountain who feels
But doesn't understand
So I'm stuck and can only drown


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