Chapter 3: The hand that moves

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Rustem grew impatient within the hand carried Peloquin. A solid gold relic of his forbearers the Peloquin was slow, heavy and isolated. Thick red drapes prevented the sun from penetrating into the carriage, but also prevented Rustem from seeing his subjects and to breath fresh air. The Peloquin was large, could comfortably fit another in it's gold walls. But the king, a medium build athletic man, already needed 6 eunuchs to carry with much discomfort. It gave him time to think, for his crafted mask to slip. The king thought about the Court he and his Grand Dowager held the week before many issues were discussed from agricultural work, new scientific data, the Separationist religious sect wanting to remove the deceased royals from the Nahari pantheon, but the dominating topic was Rustem's end to his childhood regency. Rustem smiled internally. Up until the age of 25, the al Zaheer's had continuously declared for regency over the kings young age. Now he was a man, with a mans needs and desires and he needed an heir. The first matter was to appoint the Grand Dowager as acting secretary and spiritual advisor to the king, as she had done for his fathers reign. This he allowed, he liked to know where his grandmother was at all hours. Her Arcane gift a constant threat. Then the re-appointment of Grand Vizier al Zaheer, he expected as much but appreciated a few noticeable grumbles from the Effendi's and a handful of Osmani's. He had quietly enquired about their daughters and sisters, wondering which women would make great concubines. He was already allocated one, Lady Hatice, a woman from a low ranking official. She had worked for his grandmother first, as her personal attendant and handmaiden before she entered his service as his Grandmothers twentieth birthdate gift. He smiled, remembering her face for the first time when they had played together as children. She had taken a liking to him even then, when they had run from their court attendants. She was delighted when her father had gifted her into the Grand Dowagers court and manipulated his grandmother to become King Rustem's first concubine. Hatice was a bright woman, older than Rustem by three years and deeply devoted. She made for a perfect double agent, with Rustem frequently gaining crucial information from her. He already knew who his bride was, from his youth he was betrothed to the Grand Viziers Second Daughter Lady Zehra. He despised her, watching her practice her Arcane magic on her eunuchs and court ladies he knew she could not be trusted as his wife. He had watched the woman he was to marry become more ruthless than even her mentor the Grand Dowager. Hatice had tried to befriend her once, early into their relationship, and returned to her apartments fuming. That night, after Rustem and Hatice had carnal relations, Rustem saw her beautiful face furrowed into hard lines. She was overthinking, plotting. "My love, what is the matter?" He had asked her. His personal attendant, Eunuch Violet, had reported to him earlier that Hatice had been publicly humiliated by Zehra. Called 'Soiled meat', a slag in the harem for a concubine slave, and had dark red wine spilt over her white and gold abaya. "Zehra would not make a great queen. She's too hot-headed, and I'm afraid she will Arcane me as you as you are married" Hatice said finally, after some thought. Rustem smiled, "Yes, she is a problem. Go chat with the Dowagers eunuch, or better yet one of Zehra's recent victims. See if the sentiment is mutual" Rustem kissed the top of her head, holding her in his arms.

He already suspected that Zehra was becoming too obnoxious for even the most patient of servants under the Al Zaheer's coin. Three days later, Hatice had returned to him. The victorious smile on her pale face, she presented Rustem with her findings. "Daffodil hates her, but he will not admit it. There's a rumoured that any eunuchs that do not reciprocate Daffodils advances are used as Zehra's practice mannequins" Hatice helped herself to the expensive red wine in the gold decanter. "Do you ever think that everything in this jug tastes like metal?" She said after a few sips. "Zehra has also been difficult for her handmaids as well. She is already demanding she be titled 'Her Majesty'" Hatice scoffed. "Has she? That family is worse than Nubian knot weed" Rustem laughed with her. Rumours are easily to start, and when the target is as bitter as old birch, the rumour quickly catches fire. "Make everyone aware of her current, peculiarities. See which attendants hate Zehra the most and report back. Well done, my sweet" Rustem brought Hatice into his arms and kissed her. Her low-ranking status had better result than his brother Aziz and he had hoped. Within the next month, resentment against Zehra had grown and she soon began experiencing symptoms. Small at first, regular nosebleeds and fainting spells. Then the headaches came, and the more Arcane magic she performed, the worse the symptoms got. Eventually, Zehra was too weak to control more than a headache in others and it was suggested by the Royal Courts chief doctor that the Arcane was too much for Zehra's body.

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