Chapter 6- The Queens concubine

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(Apologise for the late update. I am a PhD student with a hectic schedule. Please enjoy!)

The announcement ended Ipaphan and her sisters involvement with the Choosing ceremony. The announcement was done, her father will receive a dowry and Ipaphan will gain her bridal gifts the night before the wedding. Primrose escorted the al Zaheer girls towards the harem, led now by Ipaphan as the Queen intended. It felt odd, walking ahead of Ayse, as if she had replaced not only Zehra's place but Ayse's also.

Nilufer was chatting to her happily. "So, what do you think? Wasn't he handsome. And so tall!" Ipaphan looked at her, your child-like younger sister. She intended to find a powerful lord who could maintain her happiness, now she was Queen. Her mother intended elderly Lord Effendi for Nulifer, negotiations would begin tonight now that an official announcement of another al Zaheer Queen. Lord Effendi was brash, riddled with gout and had three wives pass already. Nulifer deserved better.

"Is that what you would like in a Husband? Tall, dark and handsome?" Ayse giggled, as if they could choose their husbands. In Nahar, lower-class women had more freedom to choose. First wives were duty, others for love and comfort. They would be provided for no matter their household position. Upper class women, especially al Zaheer women did not have the luxury of choice.

"Anything else?" Ipaphan asked, if her mother was already trying to arrange a marriage for Nilufer then Ipaphan wanted to make sure her future husband would have some characteristics that Nilufer would desire.

Nilufer thought for a few moments. "Rich, no other wives. Or at least I want to be the Main wife. Generous. Access to Royal court, so needs a good position. Someone a little older than me. But not as old as Lord Effendi" Nilufer said truthfully. Ipaphan and Ayse were shocked, believing that the family had effectively shielded Nilufer from her intended match. Ipaphan raised an eyebrow.

"I overheard Mother a few months ago. I thought I would have no other option, but you are my True Name giver Ipaphan. And now, the Queen. They would have to consult you" Nilufer grabbed Ipaphan hand and pleaded. Ipaphan stroked her youngest sisters face. "I will do my very best, but I will need other alternatives. Write me a list of three candidates you know. I will try to sway Father and the Grand Dowager " Ipaphan said as they approached first Nilufer's chamber.

"You are dismissed, Primrose" Ipaphan said, waving her hand. She disliked Primrose, his beady eyes following and observing the women like a guard with prisoners. She was sure Primrose was only loyal to one master, her father and had reported Ipaphan's relationship with Noora. Noora was almost killed months ago, a deaf-mute dressed in black had slipped into Ipaphan's chamber with a dagger intent on killing Noora. Only her mothers begging and pleading had she been spared, and Noora was condemned to live at the Temple of the Secluded also. She remembered the eerie smile when Primrose issued the stay-in execution.

"I need you to do something for me, Ayse" Ipaphan said when Primrose left. "And I need it done quietly, after you dismiss your handmaid, can you spare a red or orange silk dress. Noora is closer to your height than mine" Ipaphan asked her sister. Confusion crossed Ayse's face. "I can. Is Noora coming to court with you as your Chief of Staff then?" Ayse asked. Suspicious. Silk was reserved for the upper class, but often Chief of staff in high ranked ladies harems would wear silk dresses, often gifts from their mistress, as a status of their high regard. But to ask for a red dress was highly controversial, red dye had to be especially imported from Nubia as Nihari red could not bind to silk. It would be improper for any other than the higher class to wear red silk. She thought, why orange, the then sharply looked to Ipaphan.

"What are you planning? You can't" Ayse stated, shocked. Ipaphan smiled, thinking of Noora in an orange and red silk wedding gown.

"I believe I can. In the time of the Golden Emperors, three Empresses had concubines. I intend to do the same, it will the Kings bride gift to me" Ipaphan stated. "I intend to marry her, tonight. I have my own red silk dress. Nilufer will help with my makeup if you could do Noora's? She will be your sister now too". Ipaphan asked, blushing. She had thought about marrying Noora the day before entering the temple, but now seemed more appropriate than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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