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It is not what they profess , but what the practice that makes them good. -Greek Proverbs

Albus Dumbledore was eating dinner at the Head Table.  It was the summer before Harry Potter would come to Hogwarts. He chewed thoughtfully while thinking of his plans to bend the boy to his will, to sacrifice him and take the glory, riches and fame for himself.  He smirked, as he tilted his head, the thoughts of the galleons he would get alone making him gleeful.  As these thoughts were going through the old coots head, a lone raven arrived, floating gently on the breeze.  The professors quieted their voices and stilled, as they watched the omen of bad things to come fly toward their headmaster.

The raven landed on the table, and lifted his leg so the headmaster could take the note, tied with a blood red ribbon.  Dumbledore slowly took the note, and unfurled it so he could read it.

Dearest Dumbledore,

I hope this letter reaches you. Coronis assured me he would reach you promptly, but my lovely raven is always up to tricks. 

At this, Dumbledore paled. There was only one person. One woman. Who had a raven named Coronis.  Albus could feel himself start to sweat, glancing nervously out of the corner of his eyes to the other professors, who were watching him with a bated breath.

Anyway Albus, I have heard a rumor that the "Boy-Who-Lived" is attending Hogwarts this coming term.  As such, I would hate for an extremely powerful wizard to continue living with muggles.

At this, Dumbledore swore slightly under his breath. How could she know he was with muggles? How could she know that he was the one who placed him with them? Could she know everything? If she did, The work he has been doing for almost eleven years would come to an abrupt end.

As such, I have brought this to the attention of Cornelius, and he was very prompt to move him in with a proper wizard family, who will teach him all things necessary for him to know before he begins his schooling.  Starting immediately, you are not the boys' magical guardian, that will fall unto his new family.

Albus nearly fainted. Most of his work, gone. Disappeared like smoke.  However, he still had a chance. Eleven years of abuse and malnourishment, minus a couple months, would not change anything.  He just had to perfect his grandfatherly image, besides, she wouldn't be at Hogwarts.  There was nothing she could do.  Besides, by the end of the year the boy would come to love him as family, and care for him more then his 'new family'. 

Also, Albus, I had another conversation with the Minister, and I am to become a  professor of Hogwarts.  

Anyways, Headmaster, I will see you on the start of term.  


Security Advisor to the Minister of  Magic



Albus Dumbledore promptly fainted.

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