Preface Part 2

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There is a freedom that comes with abandonment. -Suzanne Scanlon

It was July 30th 1991, when a young woman appeared out of the darkness in front of Number Four Privet Drive. 

She was dressed as if prepared for a battle, with her dark hair pulled into a complex braid that fell down her back and her golden, wolf-like eyes, surveying the street.  What skin could be seen underneath her clothing was slightly tan, with strange markings starting at her hands traveling under her sleeves, continuing up her arms, ending at her neck. There were two beasts that appeared out of the shadows with her, hulking wolves with wings, who sat on each of her sides, waiting for orders. She was holding a staff, that appeared to be made out of Blackthorn wood, embedded with jewels and metal. She twirled it slightly as she slowly walked towards the door.

She stood there, at the door, waiting for the clock to strike midnight. When the bell struck midnight, she apparated with a turn and appeared outside of a small locked cupboard.  She slowly and quietly tapped her staff on the ground. The multitude of locks quietly opened, then disappeared.  She slowly opened the door and found a small boy, with gleaming green eyes staring at her, wide-eyed with fear.  She put her finger to her lips, the universal sign to be quiet, and motioned the boy to follow her.  He bit his lip in contemplation, before apparently deciding the nice lady who was letting him out would be better then his no good relatives.  He quietly clambered out from the small space before following her out of the house and onto the street. 

When they made it to the curb of the road, he looked up and her and asked, "Who are you and why did you let me out of the cupboard?"  

Circe smiled, then replied, "I have a lot to tell you. First things first, do you believe in magic, Harry?"

Harry Potter was stunned and slightly worried. It was his birthday and he was kidnapped- no not kidnapped if he willingly went with her- by a crazy woman.  He looked up at her as he took a step back towards the house.  She smirked in a way that made him think she could her his thoughts.  Circe held a hand out, and Harry shrieked as her hand filled with fire, dancing in the palm in her hand. He quietly stared at the flickering flame, biting his lip. 

"Ya know," he whispered, looking around, "I can do magic too."

"Why of course you can!" she replied. "You're a wizard Harry!" 

His eyes widened before a large grin broke out on his face.  "So I'm not a freak?"

Circes' heart stuttered. "Why of course not! I just did magic! Does that make me a freak as well?"

"Of course not," Harry said. "You're too nice to be a freak."

"Well then young Harry, we are going to go on an adventure, hopefully to put you with a Wizarding family, so they can teach you a bit of the magic and customs of our world, before you go to school!"

"I get to a magic school?! Awesome. Okay then, lady, let's go on this adventure!" 

She grabbed his hand, and they apparated to Malfoy Manor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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