Unknown Place of Wonders

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Crystal's POV

It had been about 4 hours based on where the sun was.

Crystal was confused as to where she was, the last thing she could remember was having a power outburst then hearing her jackal come back with someone who Crystal thought was just the jackal-like demon who had helped her before.

But now she was in what looked like a hospital room.

Crystal noticed an iv in her arm and carefully took it out, making sure she followed every step of taking it out so she wouldn't hurt herself more.

As soon as she took it out, she heard a noise from the other side of the room, and what looked like a shadow.


Suddenly, the jackal looked over and approached her master.

"You did great, girl, though I would have appreciated it more if you hadn't brought me somewhere new"

Crystal just gave Phoenix a few pets then she began to get a better look around the room

As she looked, she noticed a pair of clothes along with a tiny note card.

'Didn't want you to get sick again if there were germs on your old clothes'

Crystal was a bit suspicious, but she wasn't going to give up the chance for clean clothes and quickly changed.

After she got changed, Phoenix started to scratch at the door.

"Let me guess, you've just been locked in here with me"

Phoenix let out a whimper and Crystal opened the door and walked out with her jackal pup.

Crystal just looked up at the sky, trying to get an estimate on how much time has passed, it had clearly been the same day if it wasn't past midnight.

She wasn't thinking too hard, she was already somewhat drained and didn't want to worry about anything extra when she heard what sounded like hoofs walking toward her.

The hoofs came closer and as the small light from the building glowed on whatever was coming close, Crystal relaxed

"I hope you know you scare the crap out of me every time you give no warning, Nightmare"

The horse who became Crystal's guardian refused to give her his name, so Crystal had just called him Nightmare.

Nightmare was a black horse with bat wings, Crystal would attempt to get him to tell her about his past life, but Nightmare wouldn't talk, he never talked about his past life, he would only say that his first owner was a hero, nothing more.

"Well I take it both of you went to look around and make sure it was safe for me here"

Crystal let out a giggle as she heard Phoenix let out a few excited barks, It was always easy to make Phoenix happy, Nightmare just stared at her, it wasn't uncommon to just get a look from Nightmare, he would speak ever so often, but it was in a tone that only Crystal could understand so he decided to stay with her because of that.

The three started to walk around, Phoenix quickly became tired, she had been up all day making sure nothing bad happened so she had jumped onto Crystal's shoulder.

Crystal had always known about the other 2 tags on Phoenix's collar, however this time she had looked at them and noticed a glow on one of them.

She gripped the glowing tag and as she did, it glowed brighter, it made Crystal feel calm.

Nightmare noticed and decided to look with her, he didn't plan to say anything but Crystal wasn't going to let go of it anytime soon.

"It's a summoning amulet"

Crystal looked at Nightmare in shock, he had never dared say anything about Phoenix's tags even though it was clear he knew about them.

"It feels enchanted, you think it will unlock any of my power?"

"Probably not, however, if you gently touch the center of it, you may gain another friend who can help you once I'm no longer able to"

It took Crystal a minute to process the new information, but once she did, she touched the middle of the amulet

Once she did, she felt a small wave of power go through her body and a few second later, a horse appeared in front of her.

The new horse looked like Nightmare except this one had galaxy-like fur, fairy wings that reminded Crystal of a butterfly, and a horn.

Crystal reached out her hand out of instinct, it was also the first thing she did the next morning when she finally got to know Phoenix and Nightmare a bit better.

The new horse walked up and out her head under Crystal's hand, making sure her horn was in-between Crystal's fingers as to not stab them.

They just spent a moment looking at each other then they continued to look around the area, finally ending on a small dock, there was something about it that just made Crystal feel calm yet uneasy at the same time.

'what happened on this bridge'

In the moment, it didn't matter, Crystal just knew that if she stayed there for the night, she'd either be left alone, or unnoticed which made her feel at home.

Crystal proceeded to put the new horse back into the amulet after looking at the tag on her saddle, it had said that her name was Moon.

Phoenix had jumped off Crystal's shoulder and was now trying to stay on the dock, but also get some water while Nightmare had just sat next to Crystal as she sat down.

Eventually Phoenix gave up trying to drink the water and went to lay down in Crystal's lap while Crystal started to lean onto Nightmare trying to fall asleep

She just stared at the stars, they were one of the few things that made her feel safe when she felt alone.

After about 20 minutes Crystal finally drifted to sleep, letting her mind wander in thoughts, she had been dreaming a lot more since her escape, they always were similar, but they were happy, more relaxed.

Nightmare noticed that Crystal had fallen asleep and decided to lay his head over her body to hide her a bit, a lot of the people that stayed nearby had seen him stay at the dock, so he just had to hide her.

The next day

Bryan's POV

Bryan and Inpu had gotten to the gates of camp that morning to see a small crowd gathered nearby.

Right away the 2 knew it was about the kid they had found, they didn't know if it was good or bad, but they just knew it had to be about the kid.

After asking everyone who was gathered at the gate, they found out that the kid left in the middle of the night, she couldn't have gotten too far, so they decided to go look for her.

The 2 eventually made it towards the Greek part of camp where all the greenery was, they had finally spotted her.

She was holding a dead flower and was clearly talking to someone, Inpu had wanted to figure out who she was the most so he approached first.

"Excuse me"

The girl had heard Inpu's voice and was spooked and took a slight step back and the horse who was next to her took a step forward.

"Didn't mean to startle you, I was the one who found you and wanted to know who you are"

Bryan decided to step forward and noticed that she was still holding the dead flower and decided to speak up

"Do you mind if I ask what you're doing with the flower?"

The girl looked at Bryan unsure if she should respond until her horse decided to nudge her, it was obvious he trusted Bryan and wanted the girl to trust him too.

"Nightmare said I could try to revive the flower with just a touch, I don't think its working though"

Bryan and Inpu just stared at each other for a second, deciding which one should speak and finally Bryan decided to speak

"Can you come with us for a bit, we promise we won't hurt you, we just have a few questions we want to ask"

The girl nodded and began to follow the 2 of them

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