Unexpected Surprise

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Bryan's POV

The winter ball had happened a few days ago, it was uneventful, but it was fun!

Inpu had taken the triplets to camp while Bryan was at home with Crystal and Skyler, and had invited over Kay, Momiji, and Mania.

They were just in the living room, Bryan, Crystal, and Skyler on one couch, Skyler was on one side with Phoenix laying on their lap while Bryan and Crystal were on the other side.

Crystal was in her jackal form next to Bryan with her head on his leg.

Kay, Momiji, and Mania were on the other couch just talking with Bryan, it was clear that Crystal was listening, just not adding anything to the conversation.

It was just a simple conversation, stuff like what they were all planning for the upcoming holidays, what they were going to bring for Christmas dinner because they planned on doing a small gathering on Christmas day, and what was going on with each of their families.

Skyler had glanced over at Crystal, who seemed to be falling asleep.

"Did you not sleep well last night, love?" [Skyler]

"Huh-no, I slept fine, increased hearing just makes hearing a heartbeat a lot clearer so I think that's making me fall asleep" [Crystal]

"Alright, come here, if you're falling asleep, I'm not letting you fall over" [Bryan]

Bryan lifted up Crystal the same way she lifted up Phoenix.

"I know she's the oldest but I still thinks she acts the youngest out of the 4 of your kids" [Momiji]

"It's because she's touch starved, not as bad as when she got here, but it's still there" [Bryan]

"I honestly still feel in shock by what she went through, she's clearly a fighter" [Mania]

"Stop just saying it to me, the other person in the room was in the same situation, and they aren't even a demigod!" [Crystal]

"Love, you need to think about how you explain that a bit better" [Skyler]

"Sorry, Sky" [Crystal]

Crystal felt that something was off, when she tried to identify who it was, it was Bryan which made her nervous, so she stayed quiet for a few seconds until she figured it out.

She had jumped down and transformed back, just trying to figure out how to explain it.

"You ok, Crystal?" [Kay]

"I think so, I'm just trying to figure out how to say this" [Crystal]

"What's up?" [Bryan]

"While Bryan was holding me, I heard 2 heartbeats coming from him" [Crystal]

"What the heck, that doesn't feel like it should happen, especially not with Bryan" [Momiji]

"You're telling me, I have no idea if I should be concerned by that information" [Bryan]

"Alright, I'm going to see if what she said is true, Bryan, do you mind if I put my ear fairly close to your chest" [Momiji]

"Usually I would be against it, but go ahead, I'm curious with this too" [Bryan]

Crystal walked over to Skyler, and they all just stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"Welp, she was correct, there is a second heartbeat somewhere in your body" [Momiji]

"That doesn't make any sense though, the only way there could be a second heartbeat would be if Bryan was going to have a child, but Bryan is male so that's not possible" [Kay]

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