𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 9:𝐻𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒

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The only time you ever ran this fast was the first time you escaped Rui. Even then you were strong- not an injury in sight. However, this time half your head was squished and blood was squirting in a bunch of different places.

Your healing was a little bit slower since you refused to eat the bodies Rui provided. He would say, "It's either that or nothing." For being a kid, he was bossy as hell. After you ran far enough for the demon slayer to avoid tracking you, you immediately collapsed on the moist grass beneath you.

You violently coughed up blood and who knows what other fluid. You laid on your back and stared up at the trees above you. Closing your eyes, you focused on your breathing.


What the hell? Your eyes shot open- only to see a small demon girl staring down at you. She rested on her knees as she touched your forehead lovingly before looking back and running away.



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The crow above you yelled so loud your ears felt like they were going to explode. You rubbed your forehead, your once keen senses were weak. You had to get out of here before that one (or possibly other) demon slayers come and kill you. Crawling on all fours you headed towards the darker side of the forest.

"Not so fast."

You were pushed face- first into the cold ground (again). "Ah! What the hell!"

It was the demon slayer from before! Except upon closer inspection, he didn't look like any demon slayer...... was he a hashira?!

"You don't seem to belong with the other demons here, do you?"

You took a quick look at yourself (with your awesome peripheral vision) and noticed that you had taken your normal appearance back. That meant... Rui died, or you were just too weak to continue keeping up with your fake appearance.

"I'm not! I'm already dying anyways so just let me fucking die here!"

He grunted, "I could. That would be a lot easier actually, but I'm a hashira so I have to kill you." He raised his sword again, "Goodbye."

"Ara~ Ara~~ Well look what we have here! My fellow hashira- please step away from my test subject. That's very rude."

Oh no not her! "Hey hashira dude- I take everything I said back just kill me!"

He stared back at Shinobu then at you. "Uhhh... ok."
He removed his hold on your back and stepped away. "Since I'm no longer needed here, I'll just uh- leave."
And with that he left (and just as soon as he came too!)

"Shinobu, Don't touch me I swear to god."

"Hmm- well I'm not going to be taking orders from a lowlife demon who looks like their about to die."
She slowly walked towards you and studied you carefully. "Giyu told me how you saved that kid from the spider demon. How kind of you!"

You rolled your eyes, "It's nothing. You can thank me by leaving me alone."
She rested her chin on the palm of her hand, "A simple act like that didn't even do anything. Giyu was the one who killed it. You just gave yourself unnecessary injuries."

How long was this healing process going to take! You can't stand this woman anymore. "Now Y/N, tell me the truth."
She sat down beside my face, looking at you with those piercing dead eyes.
"Why did you decide to risk your life for a human."

"I don't know- human nature I suppose hehehhahahah!" You laughed at your own joke as her expression remained tense and annoyed. That's what she gets.

"Very funny. Has the injection worked yet?"

What! "Wait- what! What did you do!"

"I'm doing what I always do to make you shut up."

Your eyelids suddenly began to feel heavier and your vision stared to blur.

"Sleep tight, Y/N..."


𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 Where stories live. Discover now