Chapter 2

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I glance one more time at the dude Sara is planning on kissing as a bet, trying to remember who it was. Then the realization hit me like a truck. I quickly and fully turn to Sara and start to reach out to her, opening my mouth to yell.

"Sara!! Wait, don't-" I wasn't fast enough. Or loud enough. I got cut off by the train and I noticed Sara already asking the frightened boy if she can kiss him. I facepalm, throwing my head back slightly, and quietly whisper under my breath, "That's my classmate..."

Vicky, Patrick, Sara, and I all had the same expressions. My classmate on the other hand...
Looked traumatized.


"Excuse me?!" The once peaceful boy shrieked, still terrified. He sat up straight and tried to get away from Sara.

She got frightened as well and started to back up, saying, "I guess that's a no!?" All I could do was wince at their awkward interaction.

She started to back up some more and I noticed her foot got entangled with my classmates. I quickly but swiftly speed walked towards the two and put my arms under Sara's, helping her balance. I pulled her away from the boy.

"What the heck?!" The boy shouted. "Of course not- you weirdo!!!" He continued with a harsh tone. Sara became flustered and shocked by his choice of words. I took a peak at her and then looked back at the boy.

"Hey, man. I'm sorry that we bothered you and you got stuck in this awkward position," I started with a calm tone. "But those words weren't necessary." I furrowed my eyebrows and clenched my jaw. He didn't have much to say to me, as he was still in shock. I sighed and side-hugged Sara, starting to walk towards the train.

I slightly turned my head towards him, "We gotta go now if you don't mind. See you at school, subway boy." As I said that, we all got onto the train and left the boy in his shock.


"Soo..." Patrick started when we stepped into the house. "That was your classmate?" He questioned with a lifted brow.

"Oh! Uh, yeah. That was my classmate." I frowned, sarcastic enthusiasm tinting my words. "I didn't know you heard me." I chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, no. I just read you're lips. Pretty good at that actually." He flexed his 'muscles', cackling. "You don't like him or something? Sounds like you weren't too happy about seeing him." Patrick states, noticing my tone.

"No, it's not that. I just didn't think what he did to Sara was cool. That's all." I said. I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms. "Plus, I barely know the guy. He just moved here." I added shrugging. Patrick looked at me and raised a brow.

"Are you sure? 'Cause, to me, it seems like you did." He questioned me. "And I know for a fact you don't just talk like that to any guy." He continued with his questions. I rolled my eyes at his comment, knowing he was trying to get some weird secret out of me.

"As I said before, I don't know the guy. He's just... There I guess. He's super quiet so it's hard to decipher him." I finished.

Patrick only nodded the whole time, still trying to intimidate me into admitting to something. He gave up three seconds later after he saw I didn't know much about that kid. He did continue to wait to see if I would add anything, which I did.

"And it's not that I wasn't happy to see him. It's just gonna be really awkward now. I'm gonna be seeing him tomorrow at school!" I slightly shouted. I continued, adding extra emphasis in my next words, "All day!!"

Learning More Than Math ~ Oliver Yang x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now