The beginning of a friendship

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After Sigils said it should be easy since they have a month, they looked around and immediately saw a note on the wall that practically said the dust was people from before. With them being the next chosen ones, they must find the others and escape within a month. If they fail... they will disintegrate permanently and turn to dust like the past chosen ones.

"Let's just go!"

"I have a bad feeling about this place..." Biffle responded.

"Stop being a scaredy cat, Austin!" Sigils shouted, rolling his eyes. They then started walking around corners. Sigils just stopped randomly.

"Why did you stop?" Biffle asked. He looked where Sigils was looking. They saw someone that looked like them. Was it one of them? Or maybe an entity.

"Oi! Stalkers, over here!" A girl called out to the boys.

"Huh?" Sigils and Biffle turned to see a girl with purple hair. "Who are you?"

"I'm Kate! Who are y'all? Why shouldn't I kill y'all?" The purple hair asked, demanding answers.

"I- Uhm... Andrew... should we make a run for it?" Biffle asked.

"Don't even think about it! Answer Kate now!" Another male walked out from the other side. He had an accent. Not British... French, maybe... The two boys looked behind them again to see a French male.

"Yeah! Before you regret being born!" Another male appeared.

"I'm Andrew, and this is Austin. Here's a note we found at the beginning of this nightmare!" Sigils answered. Kate read it and told the other two males to stand down.

"They're one of us!" Kate told the French male and the other one. "I'm Kate, like I said. And these are"

"Lookumz," the Frenchman stated.

"And Zud or Nickolas!" The other one answered.

"Oh. Okay. But who was the person out that way?" Biffle asked.

"Not a person!" Sigils stated.

"Baldy is correct!" An unknown voice stated. "I'm Ian!" The unknown voice called out.

"HEY! I'm not bald!" Sigils shouted.

"SHHHHH!" Everyone else called out to Sigils. The 'person' started to walk towards them because it heard Sigils' voice.

Through the BackroomsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz