On the run

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"Now you've done it!" SSundee whispered to Sigils.

"Shut up!" Sigils replied.

"Both of you need to shut up! It can hear us!" Kate whisper yelled. It was just around the corner now. Then, a sticky note fell into Sigils' hand. It read:

'You all were only seeing it as one of you all. It really doesn't even look like you all. His name is Entity Bacteria! Watch out for him!'

"They can do that?!" Biffle yelled, forgetting it was around the corner. It heard him and turned, grabbing a hold of Biffle.

"AUSTIN!!!!" Sigils yelled, grabbing a hold of Biffle's leg and pulling him back. "WE HAVE TO RUN! NOW!" They all ran bumping into more of the people. Nico, Garry, and Henry. Only one remaining.

"So let me get this straight. Andrew was an idiot and spoke loudly, causing the entity to go towards y'all, and then Austin was a bigger idiot and yelled, almost got killed, and now y'all are on the run?" Henry asked.

"You forgot something!" Biffle stated.

"Wut? Wut could I have possibly forgotten?" Henry asked in his British accent.

"You forgot to say, 'and you all ran into the biggest idiot of all, me'." Biffle answered. Everyone else just laughed except Henry, of course. They found the exit but were missing one person.

"Who's not here?!" They yelled.

"MEEE!" A teenage boy yelled. Around 18, probably. He ran to them, and they all ran through. They found another note. It read:

'Thought it would be this easy? This is just the beginning. See you all again in a few months! Bye, SSundee Pals!'

"A few months?!" The teenage boy yelled.

"Ugh!" Sigils pouted.

"Hey. Are y'all gamers?" Biffle asked the group.

"Yeah." Everyone else responded. Then they made a group of gaming youtubers and made videos. By the way, the teenage boy's name is Aiden, commonly known as Loafx.

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