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Han Jisung was a normal boy aged 20, he was working for the Kim Mafia. One day, Jisung got a call from his boss, Kim Sangwoo.
"Yes, boss?" asked Jisung
"Jisung-ah, we will need your help tonight, we are going to meet Lee Mafia at the abandoned appartement ********, be armed, I'll see you tonight at 5:30pm. Be ready" said the Kim Mafia and cut off the call.

Jisung was now getting prepared, he took two guns in his jackets pockets and went outside to go to Kim Mafia's territory.

Jisung's POV

I was feeling so tired today but had to work so I got ready and I was a bit nervous because Lee Mafia was the strongest Mafia in the whole Asia. I was ready so I went to Kim Mafia territory, I opened the door and was greeted by my best friend, Jeongin.

End of Jisung's POV

Jisung went to Kim Sangwoo's office.
"Jisung-ah, this will be very dangerous so I need you to be on the second floor of the abandoned building and have an eye on the Lee Mafia's boss, if you hear a gunshot, attack." Sangwoo said.

"Yes, sir." Jisung replied.

The time came and Kim Mafia was ready, they went in the car and after a few hours they arrived to the abandoned place. As told, Jisung went to the second floor (you can see the first floor from the second floor) and sat quietly and was watching the scene.

Kim Mafia was now eye to eye with Lee Mafia, both of them had their team behind.

"Kin Sangwoo.....Nice to see you again. Let's get to the point, I want my one billion won back." Lee Mafia said. "I don't have enough now, but if you give me one month, I'll pay you back." Sangwoo replied.

Jisung, who was watching the scene looked at the Lee Mafia boss and thought to himself: "He looks so can he be a Mafia leader..."

Meanwhile, Lee Leader was getting mad and said "I gave you one year, and you still haven't got the money!!? Sangwoo-yah, it's time to die then. ATTACK!" screamed Lee Leader. Sangwoo team was nervous but they all started to fire their guns, Meanwhile Jisung, on the second floor, was trying to find Lee Leader to shoot him but couldn't find him anywhere. "Where the fuck is he!" said Jisung, annoyed.

But then Jisung suddenly felt a gun on his back, Jisung turned around and met eyes with..........

Minsung- Mafia Where stories live. Discover now