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It had been a week, I only thought of coming back to them.

I came back from the battle, we won but lost a lot on the way. Everyone went back to their bunks and cabins. I opened my door and walked in the cabin. I closed the door and locked it, so the British couldn't get in. I took off my blue coat and my white button down, I had on a white undershirt and long black shorts under my clothes.

I layed down and got under my comforter, the bed was actually really comfortable but I still tossed and turned. I layed on my back, staring at the ceiling. I layed there for a bit not moving.

I felt breathing down my neck and I swung my fist at the person and they fell back. "Stupid wall! Why do you keep doing that?!" I flicked their forehead and they got mad at me and started lightly hitting my leg. I rolled my eyes at them and got up and I towered over them. They looked mortified and their eyes got big. They stopped hitting me and they ran over to their spot on the wall. I followed them, and they became the wall again.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I shouted after them but they were gone. I smoothed over the wall and it was like they were never there. I hit the wall beside where they left and they popped out of the wall and I grabbed them before they could leave.

"Stay, I wasn't gonna do anything to you." I said holding them and pulling them out of the wall. I let them go and put my hands up. They stood still. "Great, so um, Wall. How?"

"I wanna go outside" they said, striding to the door. "Nope," I grabbed their arm, "tell me how you are a wall and a human" they whined at me and I let go. They tried opening the door and it was funny how they couldn't open it and I laughed at them. They started crying. Great. Walls are stupid. "You want help?"

They shook their head no and they continued pulling on the door and trying to open it. They started crying more. I guess they wanted freedom, they had been trapped in a cabin ever since it was built.

They got frustrated and gave up and sped walked to the wall. Out of reaction I wrapped my arms around their waist. "Stay," I said to them. "don't go." They rested their head on my arm, their tears getting my arm wet.

"I wanna know what's outside." They said while still crying.

"I know, I know" I said, they were still crying. "Shh, hey it's ok" I turned them in my arms so they could face me. "It'll be fine, I promise," I said, stroking their hair.

I guess we had the same idea, because they kissed me and I kissed back.

cumffy x wallHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin