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"and what about a guinea pig?" renjun stated, lifting his head from his computer to look at jeno who was lying on his back on their bed, too busy throwing a rubber ball in the air and catching it to help his boyfriend with his searches.

"a guinea pig?" jeno frowned. "why would i even want such a thing?"

"yeah, okay... not a guinea pig, then..." renjun sighed, focusing back on his screen.

a few seconds passed during which jeno got back to throwing his ball up and down while renjun surfed across different websties.

"okay, so..." renjun coughed, catching jeno's attention again. "they say the cheapest pets to own are frogs..."

"ew, no." jeno shook his head immediately.

"...geckos...?" renjun continued, scrolling down on the website.

"that's even worse."


"they shit everywhere."


"what the hell?!" jeno sat up on the bed, letting the ball he had been playing with fall to the floor and roll to renjun's foot. "renjun... why can't i get a cat or a dog?"

"first of all, because we can't afford it." the chinese male answered with a sigh, still scrolling down the website. "and second, because cats and dogs are too much work for a first pet. and you need a pet that is not too demanding."

jeno let out a groan, letting himself fall back down on the bed. "is even any pet not too demanding...?"

"yes, we just need to find the right one, i promise you." the chinese male replied, his eyes still focused on the screen.

renjun had found a solution for jeno's matter. if the boy felt like he was too powerless and that he couldn't take care of himself on his own, renjun believed that it was because he never really faced that matter, which was why he believed that buying him a pet to take care of would make him more responsible and protective.

he didn't know to which extent this solution would work, but renjun had always wanted them to adopt a pet as a couple, and this could be the perfect opportunity for this.

"renjun, i know you want to help, and i really appreciate it, but i am a lost cause and i- "

"i know what we can get." renjun cut his boyfriend, standing up from his desk and walking to the bed with his computer.

jeno rolled his eyes. "renjun... i told you this would lead to nothing..."

"a rabbit." renjun continued, ignoring jeno's words.

"a rabbit?" jeno sighed.

"they're small, cute, fluffy, very cuddly, and normally they're not too expensive." renjun listed, his eyes travelling the tab he had opened on the internet.

"yeah... okay, a rabbit is better than a frog or a guinea pig i guess..." jeno nodded. "but where will you even find a rabbit?"

"there are like dozens of animal shelters we could go at." renjun explained, closing his laptop and looking at his younger boyfriend.

jeno blinked, looking into his smiling boyfriend's eyes in silence.

"so... a rabbit it is?" renjun asked, raising a brow.

the other male sighed, his lips curving up at the sight of his happy boyfriend. "a rabbit it is..." he replied.

"yes!!! you're the best!" renjun exclaimed, jumping on top of jeno and pinning him to the bed as he kissed his lips. "are we buying it tomorrow?"

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