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2nd person pov-

(𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮) slowly open her eyes, when the blurry vision slowly get away, she noticed that she was on a hospital

“Honey, what would want her to be called”
A male voice spoke out, it sounded like they were on their mid- twenties

“I don't know yet honey” Another voice was heard, but it a womens voice

'Gosh, were in the world am I?' (Name) thought to herself while looking at the people that's in front of her

“I think, let's call her F/M” Another voice was heard again, but it sounded like an old lady, then they hummed in response

(Name) tried to shout, scream or speak but she can't, all that came out of her mouth was some baby's blabber

After awhile of cleaning, her new grandma put her at her new father's arms and started to rock her to sleep

However, she still wasn't sleepy, instead she tried to speak again but failed misserably when she finally realized that she's a baby

(Name's) pov-

'Ok, calm down and just think of WHAT just happened now, first things first, I got eaten with that demon and....WHAT AND HOW DID THIS HAPPENED?!

I mean, I've heard a lot of people both in my village and in the town that we're talking about reincarnation, but of course I thought it's fake

But now what?!' I panicked but eventually calmed down when I heard an old lady's voice, she was singing me a lullaby and her voice was beautiful

“There, there little flower, no need to be afraid, mama is here” the old lady spoke, I suppose that was my...uhh..new grandma?

I felt myself being sleepy because of the lullaby that mama sang, her voice was beautiful



Grandma called me outside earlier to come with her in her room, which was a little weird because she doesn't let me enter her room until I was at this age

But I went upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door *KNOCK* *KNOCK*

“Mama? May I come in?” I asked on the other side, I heard a 'come in' as a response in a quiet tone

I entered the room and closed the door behind me as I walked towards the edge of her bed, she signalled me to sit beside her

She got up and crouched down to get something under her bed, she took out a large wooden box, which was looking VERY heavy to me but I noticed that her strength was unbelievable

I stared at her for a moment and asked “Uhm, Ma, what do you want to talk about?” she looked at me worriedly before speaking again
“(Name), one day, someone will attack us here and they're looking for something, that day is the day where me, your papa and dad will die"
She opened the box, and it was a stringed instrument, I'm not sure what kind of but I'm sure it's in the string family

“This is the biwa, your biwa now, you could do anything with it, I mean anything, teleport yourself or someone somewhere or do a lot of things” She said and handed me the biwa

“But remember, if you don't use it carefully, you might die, and even if you did it properly, it'll make you unable to walk under the sunlight, with this you could only make a clone if you'd want to, you also have access to any places, any clones or anyone near the clones and make them do what you want”
She said in a hushed tone

“Make the right things, only do good things to other people if you think it helped you, and I know that you want to help a lot of people but if the biwa stopped working for awhile, then that means that it had enough with helping at her people, it only helps and protects its owner” Mama said before passing it to me

For a little while, she made us tea and walked around the town, we stopped by at a house and knocked at the door

It took a while for them to open it but a lady opened it and welcomed us, she let us sit at the couches and we talked about some important stuff

Soon, her husband opened the door and entered with a child with dark brown hair

He looked so cute with a cute little frown, but it quickly changed into an excited smile as he ran to me and hugged me saying “(Name)! You're here! Let's play outside!” he said, enthusiastically

“Eren, you missed me already? We're having a tea party tomorrow, you wanna come with us?” I asked him and he nodded and said “Okay! But please let's play outside with my friend!”

“Okay, okay Eren, I'm coming just let me fix this...” I said while fixing the cup and the mini plates before following him outside

Yeah, okay it's done, I hope you enjoyed it!
Bye bye
(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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