Chapter 3 ( The rumours)

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Location: front door
Time: 4:30/16:30pm (evening)

(Violet's Pov)

I opened my front door and I was greeted by my dog, who was barking like crazy when I pulled up at my house, "Hey Amy, how are you?" I asked and Amy barked like crazy, I laughed a little until I heard a voice "welcome home child" I looked up and saw my aunt Ameila, she was leaning over the stairs balcony looking down at me, I smiled, "Good afternoon auntie" I said getting up from my position and walked to the stairs "Where's Melody?" She asked "she's-" "IM HEREEEE——HEEEWWWWHAAAAA" she screamed breathing heavily and coughing, my aunt side eyed me and I looked up at her and said "What?, she was slow, I made her run today" I said walking past my aunt to my room, before I closed the door, I heard her scream that dinner will be ready in a hour I shouted back an okay and said that I'll be in the library, if she needs me before dinner.

(Melody lives with me because, she's actually my aunt's daughter, so living with her shouldn't be a surprise to anyone)

I got dressed in my night clothes, I was wearing a black silk shirt and trousers with moon and stars printed on them, I went to straight to the library after to read some books, I've read every book in the library but reading them again, makes it more interesting to find any clues I missed out on, as I walked into the library, I brushed my hands on the books that I've read so many times and past the pictures that were taking of me, Mel and my aunt, I was adopted by my aunt when I was eight years old, I can't remember anything from my past childhood, normally I don't tend to think about my childhood that much, all I can say is that I don't want to leave this family, that i've been with just to find my real family, it's just a waste of time.

As I walked past the pictures, I saw this book that I've never seen before, as I was about to touch it, "What are you doing" I flinched a little and turned my head to the door, " You twat, what are you doing here?" I said with my hand in my heart " My mom told me to tell you that dinner was ready"she said folding her arms together "Oh" I said and looked back at the book again "What's wrong?" Melody asks "Nothing" I said "I just want to open this book for a bit" I said and got the book out and opened a few pages, it landed on a page with a family picture, "Melody come look at this" I said staring at the page, I heard a fumble and fall and I looked up and saw Melody on the ground "seriously, how did you fall?" I asked while she was getting up "I was too excited" she said groaning a little, I rolled my eyes and showed her the photo.

As I walked past the pictures, I saw this book that I've never seen before, as I was about to touch it, "What are you doing" I flinched a little and turned my head to the door, " You twat, what are you doing here?" I said with my hand in my heart ...

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"The Romanov family" I read the title, "They are a Royal family in...Russia" I continue and looked up at Melody from the book, Melody pointed out to the book "Look at this, Anastasia Romanov -

'Anastasia and her older sister Maria were known within the family as "The Little Pair". The two girls shared a room, often wore variations of the same dress, and spent much of their time together. Their older sisters Olga and Tatiana also shared a room and were known as "The Big Pair"'

"How cute" she said smiling and looked at me and went back to a straight face and cleared her throat and continued 'the Romanov family were assassinated by the Bolsheviks in an abandoned mine pit in 1918'
- that was ten years ago" she said looking at me in shock, and went back to reading 'there have been rumours that little Anastasia escaped with her little brother, because of how their bodies were nowhere to be found after the assassination-, wait a minute" she paused and grabbed the book out my hands and looked closely to the photo of Anastasia and placed the book near my head and started to compare the photo and my face together " is it me or do you look exactly like a Princess Anastasia" she said trying to play detective " That's ridiculous" I said shoving the book away from my head and looked again "I don't see it" I said closing the book but Melody grabbed and walked up to the photo of me, Mel and my aunt, when I was eight years old and started to comparing it more

" YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE GRAND DUCHESS ANASTASIA" she screamed, I started to looked between the two pictures and my head started spinning, due to so many flashbacks of the dreams I've been having these past months that are now running through my mind "Violet" I heard " yea, I'm okay, let's go we've been here for too long, auntie must have already ate all our food" I said passing by her towards the door and stopped and said " Don't mention this to your mother, understand" I said turning around to her, who looked disappointed and dropped the book back and said "yea, my mouth will be zipped zipped zipped" she signed that her lips were closed until further inspection of the situation

Location: dining room
Time: 6:15/18:15pm (evening)

I was eating my food and dazing off into space and wasn't interested to the conversation Melody was having with my aunt, until I was ask a question, "Violet, I heard you have some questions about the new book i brought from the library today?" My aunt asks, " I do" i said confused and looked at Melody who was looking elsewhere, avoiding my glare at her " I mean yes I do, I wanted to know more about ' The Romanov family' did-" I was cut off with the sound of a metal falling on a plate, I looked at my aunt and she looked horrified, she looked at me and said '' where did you hear that family from? she asks 'I- ugh I found in the book that you brought home'' i said stuttering, ''what did it say about family?'' she asks again '' the family got assessnated but the bodies of the two younger siblings were missing - a girl and a boy'' I replied, ''the boy survived'' she whispered only i heard it, i don't know about Melody but i wonder what auntie is hiding from us, why was she scared when i mention about the family in the book and what was she talking about the boy survived.

location: Violet's Bedroom
Time: 9:30/ 21:30 pm (evening)

After that weird dinner we all had, Mel came to my room to distrube my peace and quite '' hey Vi, did you hear about the rumours of where our history month dance this Saturday?'' she asks me, i rasied my eyebrow and said '' what about them'' I answered looking up at her '' apparently it's in a palace where a certain famous Russian family used to live in'' she said trying to get my attention '' really'' i sadi not interested '' come on violet, when we go there we can look for clues and investagate more about what happened with your ''supposed'' family memebrs '' she said '' would you just drop it Mel please'' i said getting a little annoyed, '' how can i drop this, when you literally look exactly like Grand Duchess Anastasia VI'' she said coming up to my face '' you both literally have the same left scar on your left eye, how is that a coincidence, that you can't be her VI'' she said bringing up the photo she took from the book to my face again,

''you could be Grand Duchess Anastasia, Violet''

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