Chapter 26: Improvised Fight

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They sprinted towards the office building, following the frightened crowd like they were caught in a riptide. At some point, Camilla procured a baseball cap from the chaos and shoved it on Elsie's head without missing a beat. She also managed to ditch the brightly colored button-down blouse she was wearing, revealing the fitted black shirt she had on underneath.

As they got closer to the building, it was clear that the lobby was already packed with people. The space seemed way too small to accommodate everyone that was still outside, but that's not what worried Elsie.

"Why are we going to where everyone is?" she asked Camilla. "What if they end up getting hurt in the crossfire?"

"These guys waited until you were relatively alone at the Games to attack," Camilla replied, keeping her voice low. "They don't want to hurt anybody else. Not if they can help it. Right now, it's best to blend in with the crowd."

The crowd kept moving even after they squeezed into the building's tiny lobby. Apparently, people were taking shelter in the basement, which seemed like the perfect place to get cornered by assassins. Camilla seemed to agree, and she steered them off in the direction of an emergency exit in the back.

They were almost at the door when a burly, masked figure suddenly appeared in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. Before Elsie could even register who they could be, they threw a punch straight at Camilla.

Camilla had been quick enough to form a defensive wall of pressurized air, but it wasn't strong enough to withstand the entirety of the attack. She was thrown back from what had to be super strength, flying right past Elsie and into the crowd of shocked and fearful spectators. At the same time, her attacker howled in pain; the skin on their fist had been ripped to shreds by Camilla's high pressure air, leaving their hand a bloody mess that they clutched to their chest.

Elsie took the chance to rush over to Camilla who was wheezing as she feebly rolled into her side, curled up and clutching her stomach where the punch landed.

"Ow," she managed to grunt, only to cough at the exertion. Her previous cheer was now completely gone, replaced by a dark glare that she shot at the attacker.

Upon closer inspection, their attacker was dressed completely in black military garb. It reminded Elsie of the mercenary costumes from one of her other movies, except their attacker's clothes probably weren't just for show.

Their attacker seemed to brace themselves and lunged for another attack. They moved much faster than a normal person ever could, meaning they had to have super speed abilities in addition to super strength. And Camilla was still on the ground, gasping to fill her lungs with air.

"We have to get out of here!" Elsie urged her, frantically trying to pull her out of harm's way

But Camilla didn't budge. Instead, just when their attacker was only mere feet away, Camilla pushed Elsie aside.

Before Elsie could yell at her for being an idiot, Camilla suddenly flew into the air with speed that rivaled her opponent's. She hovered right above the confused attacker for only a second before landing on their back and clamping a palm over their open mouth and wrapping an arm around their neck. Their attacker made a choking sound as most of the air in their lungs was sucked out before collapsing to the ground with a thud.

Some of the spectators gasped; Elsie probably did too. Most of them had probably never seen such a brutal brawl in person before, and no one had expected it to end as quickly as it did.

No one, except perhaps Camilla. She took one second to make sure that the attacker stayed down before going to Elsie and taking her wrist to guide her to the exit. The crowd that had stopped to watch parted for them in a mixture of awe and fear, and it was only then that Elsie realized how quiet the lobby had gotten.

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