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Once upon a time, in a post-apocalyptic world, there was a zombie named Zed. Unlike other zombies who hungered for human flesh, Zed was terrified of humans. He couldn't understand why he was different from the rest of his kind.

Zed spent his days wandering aimlessly through the deserted streets of the city, avoiding any contact with humans, hiding from a place to another. He was afraid of their weapons, their loud noises, and their unpredictable behavior as he witnessed a lot of them exterminating his zombie brethren, shooting them and even decapitating their heads. The only thing that kept him going was his intense desire to find out why he was so divergent.

One day, while scavenging for food, Zed stumbled upon an abandoned laboratory. As he explored its dark, cobwebbed and dusty chambers lay a curious machine that piqued his interest. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. Without hesitation, he pressed a button on the device and was instantly transported into a world of recollections. He saw his past life as a human, and he remembered everything about his former self.

As a human, Zed had been a pacifist, a humanitarian, and an advocate for peace. He had always believed in the power of love and kindness, and he had dedicated his life to helping others. He had dedicated his life to serving others through voluntary work. However, his life had been cut short by a terrible accident, and he had been transformed into a zombie.

But now that he had regained his memories, Zed realized that he could still live his life as a peaceful and compassionate being. He no longer had to fear humans, for he knew that he was once one of them. And so, Zed set out to spread his message of love and kindness to the other zombies, in the hope that they too would see the error of their ways and inspire a change of heart.

Remarkably, Zed's message was heard, and the zombies began to alter their ways. They stopped attacking humans, and instead, they focused on rebuilding the world that they had destroyed. And though Zed was still a zombie, he had become something much greater - a beacon of hope and inspiration for all those who had lost their way in the darkness of the post-apocalyptic world.

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