Part 1: Jihyo

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Autumn is starting, my favorite season. The color of the trees has me in love and the smell of nature within the village in which my parents live is truly delightful. Not to mention the tranquility and peacefulness of the village which has brought me here on a little short vacation before I have to go back to my idol routine. Our next album is right around the corner and I must take advantage of these days off to get some rest.

The cab I was in drops me off right at the front door of my parents' house. I step outside and start to remove my bags from the trunk, only to see that my family is already outside waiting for me. It had been several months since I had last gotten the opportunity to see or spend time with my family. The love and affection within their welcoming hugs and kisses are truly everything to me. I truly owe everything to them, without my family I don’t know where I’d be.

- "Unnie!”, my little sisters shouted as they frantically made their way over to hug me."

- "How are you, my little ones!” I say as I return the hugs. “I brought you some presents!

As everyone is occupied with opening the presents I’ve gotten them, I take this as the perfect opportunity to go to my room and unpack. Everything is still the same as I’ve left it. The posters I have of all the idols I loved as a kid, along with the pictures of my friends and I, including the twice girlies are still perfectly intact. After I finish unpacking, I decide to change into something more comfortable. The weather is still quite hot within the village so I just decided to throw on a t-shirt painted by my favorite artist Chaeyoung along with some shorts.

- "Jihyo can you go to the store to buy some noodles? I'm going to prepare your favorite ramyon for you!", calls out my mom from another room. Hearing those words excited me as I’m in LOVE with my mom’s cooking, so I have no choice but to happily oblige.

- "Of course mom", I answer as I get up and grab my cell phone, ready to be on my way.

As I’m leaving, I ask my sisters if they’d like to tag along but unsurprisingly they thought the idea of it was boring and didn’t want to leave the house. Kids will be kids I guess haha. After that verbal encounter, I decided it was time to head to the store.

On the walk over, I couldn’t help but stop at several aesthetic places to snap some photos for my beloved ONCE on Instagram. The first of my fellow groupmates to comment was Chaeyoung, making the observation that the shirt she made compliments my skin complexion very well, as well as Jeongyeon, simply commenting on how beautiful I looked.

When I finally arrive at the store, I notice that the usual lady who runs the store isn't there, but rather a very dashing young man sitting in her place. Trying not to get distracted by that piece of eye candy, I go ahead and search for the noodles, and maybe even some sweets along the way. After I’ve gotten everything I needed, I make my way over to the register to pay.

- "Hello! Sorry to ask, but what happened to Mrs. Kim?" - Wow, he is even more handsome up close.

- "Welcome! And you must be talking about my grandmother! She stopped working here a few months ago. She decided to pass down the store and leave me in charge of it", he said with a smile.

Gosh, what a beautiful smile he has... what is happening to me, why am I thinking like this? I feel like I'm a teenager experiencing their first crush all over again.

-"Wow, you're really her grandson? You've grown up so much!”

-"Yes haha. And you.. well, everybody knows about you. You’re practically the pride and face of our town." he says with that damn smile of his again..

-"I hope you don't bother me for a picture, otherwise I’d have to tell your grandmother that you're disturbing the customers” I joke around. "In all seriousness, give my regards to grandma, she’s such a sweet and amazing woman.” I say as I pay for the groceries.

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